Energy-related variables were monitored in six detached houses in Winnipeg, Manitoba, before and after the houses were retrofitted by re-insulating the exterior walls and ceiling, or walls only, with blown loose-fill glass-fibre or cellulose
Describes a program which enables a hand-held computer to perform the energy audit calculations used in Building Practice Note No.20 "Estimating energy savings from reinsulating houses". The computer prompts the user for information, and provides a fast and versatile way of performing energy audit calculations.
A number of studies have reported comparisons of building energy simulations to measured building performance. This paper summarizes results of studies of occupied buildings in which monitoring varied from very detailed tonon-existent, the comparison interval from hourly to yearly and the number of buildings from one to 200 plus. These results are briefly compared to results from unoccupied buildings and preliminary conclusions are presented about the use of building energy models for different types of field application.
Commercial building energy analyses may be used for new building design, energy end use forecasting and energy audit calculations. Many building simulation programs, such as DOE 2.1A or BLAST, are quite complex and must berun by specialists on main frame computers. A simplified method of commercial building energy analysis has been developed and utilises a database of previous DOE 2.1A simulations to predict the outcome of other simulations. Applies this method to an office building in one climate region and finds that it predicts heating, cooling, and total energy use very accurately.
Describes energy use in Swedish homes from 1963 to 1980 using data assembled and analysed for the first time. Changes in energy use by fuel and purpose before and after the 1973 oil price rise are illustrated and discussed, and savings in space heating in the year 1980, compared with the pre-embargo period, are quantified.
Presents preliminary results of a demonstration program on energy retrofits of low-cost housing in the Lombardy Region, with particular reference to retrofit of windows. Energy analysis shows that window retrofits can be very cost-effective, particularly when applied in conjunction with ordinary maintenance operations.
Investigates the energy performance of a two storey occupied gas heated house in Ontario Canada by means of steady state and dynamic analyses of measured data. Experimental results were obtained from a monitoring study done on an hourly basis.
Summarises information from energy audits and post installation inspections conducted as part of the Residential Weatherization Pilot Program, operated by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). The BPA offered free home energy audits to identify cost-effective conservation measures to reduce energy forspace and water heating, and zero-interest loans for retrofitting. More than 6000 homes were audited and 4000 loans made. Audit data suggest that annual electricity consumption can be cut by one third at a cost of 2000 dollars (1981 values).
Describes the monitoring of 15 low energy houses built by Manchester City Council. Conservation measures include insulation, internal draught lobbies to exterior doors, draughtproofed windows and doors and tight building envelope, window ventilators with extract fans. Monitoring consists of a continuous recording of a limited number of basic parameters, and an intermittent recording of a larger number of variables at shorter time intervals. The monitoring apparatus yields electronically recorded digital data which is processed by computer.
Reports air tightness measures and variations in 14 low-energy houses in Heimdal, plus testing of energy saving measures for exposed detached houses. The air tightness should be considerably improved according to the regulations. Treats principles of air tightness, pressure measurement, thermography tracer gas measurements and heat loss measurements.