Energy efficiency in buildings.


The CIBSE example weather year.

This paper summarises the work of the CIBSE Example Year Task Group. Its main task has been to develop a methodology for the selection of representative weather data. This data is required as input to the various procedures available for the estimation of the energy performance of buildings and their engineering systems. As a further aid to applying a consistent set of meteorological data as input to energy calculations, the Task Group's work has extended to the preparation of a set of algorithms for calculating psychrometric properties 

Heat balance studies : Part 1.


The effects of re-insulation on 8 houses in Ottawa. A research report.

Experimental measurements have been conducted on eight houses in the Ottawa area to study the changes induced in house performance when loose-fill insulation is installed in walls. The report presents details on the induced changes in furnace performance, house airtightness, temperatures, humidity levels and position of the neutral pressure plane. ECAP (Enhanced Conservation Assistance Program) auditing procedures were applied to the houses, and the predicted fuel consumptions showed a considerable disagreement with actual values.
