Recommendations for the grading of windows.

This draft gives provisional recommendations for performance requirements for windows. Gives grades of exposure, speed correction factors for ground roughness and height above ground level. Suggests values for wind loading and limits for air infiltration, water penetration and security.

Air leakage data for the design of elevator and stair shaft pressurization system.

Describes research project to find air leakage values of walls of elevator and stair shafts in order to use these values in the design of pressurization systems. Describes method of test and gives results. Concludes that leakage rates for walls of elevator shafts constructed of masonary units are higher than those of cast-in-place concrete. Variations in the leakage of stair shafts could not be related to the type of wall construction but probably depended on the workmanship in sealing crack openings.

Windproofing in multi-layer walls. Vindtathet hos flerskiktsvaggar

Reports the study of joints for a special type of multi-layer wall which has a windproofing layer of asbestos cement cellulose fibre with timber studding. Describes the construction of these walls. In many cases disturbances in the form of draughts, cold wall surfaces and rain water penetration have occurred. Leakage usually occurred at the joint connecting the walls with the structural fabric. Describes laboratory tests which have consisted of measurement of air leakage in joints and joint details.

Air leakage around window openings.

A sequel to the report "Air leakage through the openings in buildings", abstract. no 286. Reports investigation of the effect on air leakage of increasing the clearance around a sash window. Gives results of experiments in the form of graphs showing leakage for different wind velocities, different clearances, and with and without weatherstripping.

Air leakage through the openings in buildings

Describes apparatus used to measure air leakage through windows. Gives details of windows with and without weatherstripping. Gives results in the form of graphs in two sections. 

Air infiltration through gaps around windows

The amount of air leakage through window gaps in buildings depends on the width and length of the gaps, the pressures across the buildings and the resistances in the air circuit. Reviews the ranges of these factors for Britain and gives results of measurements within these ranges for standard metal and wooden windows and for weather-stripped windows. Gives two methods of estimating the air flow through gaps in complete windows.

Experimental study on air and water tightness of metal window sashes.

Describes apparatus and test method used for measuring air leakage through metal windows in the laboratory. Gives results for different types of windows and summarises air tightness standards in Japan and other countries.

Natural infiltration routes and their magnitude in houses part 2.

Describes a simple pressure method for measuring the air tightness of small buildings. It measures the leakage rate from all apertures in the external envelope simultaneously, from which total leakage area of openings could be inferred. Site measurements have shown that obvious sources of leakage like doors and windows account for only the minor part of total leakage area in the average dwelling. Results from 25 dwellings show no trend of leakage area per unit of gross floor area.

Rain and air leakage at joints

Known principles for the prevention of rain penetration and air leakage are not being applied in practice. States that rain penetration requires the simultaneous presence of water, openings and a force ; the two-stage weathertightening or "open rain screen" separates the control of these factors and allows the production of a weathertight joint under practical conditions. Outlines the causes of air infiltration and gives brief case histories to illustrate the serious problems that can arise from air leakage.

Why airtight houses? Varfor tata hus?

Explains why house external shell and ventilation system must be treated as integral elements of a total system. Explains, using an analogous water system, why air leakage through shell is greater using push-pull ventilation than when using extract ventilation and why houses should be airtight.
