Calculating contaminant concentrations in or the required ventilation for a space has been a difficult and confusing part in the application of the IAQ Procedure of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004; Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
IBPSA 2007 - Beijing, China
International Building Simulation Conference 2007, Beijing, China.
Contains 288 papers.
Volume content
Effect of telecommuting on energy consumption in residential and non-residential sectors | 2007 | English
In this paper, the change of energy use by telecommuting (working at home) is simulated for residential and office buildings by modeling the differences in the occupants’ behavior.
The importance of analysing thermal performance in building design has grown, but it is still often done using simple static calculations or estimates. Accurate dynamic thermal simulation software have been available already for decades, but these
Development of new facades by combined modeling of thermal sound and ventilation aspects at early design phases | 2007 | English
Facades must meet with continuously increasing requirements concerning design quality and technical performance. It will be shown that neither extremely simplifying nor highly detailed simulation tools with complete geometrical representation real
In this paper, the new capabilities of PowerDomus to simulate central HVAC systems combined to its whole-building hygrothermal model is presented. First, models for the primary (chiller, cooling tower, primary pumps and condensation pumps) and sec
A simulation of daylight levels for the determination of visual comfort in large spaces | 2007 | English
In sizable environments, such as the collective areas of a big university building, characterised by very long corridors, large hallways and broad glazed surfaces, the daytime illumination factor is often only excellent near to the latter, due to
Impact of the US national building information model standard (NBIMS) on building energy performance simulation | 2007 | English
The U.S. National Institute for Building Sciences (NIBS) started the development of the National Building Information Model Standard (NBIMS).
The building controls virtual test bed – a simulation environment for developing and testing control algorithms, strategies and systems | 2007 | English
The paper describes the design of a Building Controls Virtual Test Bed (BCVTB), a simulation environment for the development of control algorithms and strategies for the major energy systems in buildings, HVAC, lighting, active facades and on-site
Using simulation software calibration tests as a consumer guide – a feasibility study using lighting simulation software | 2007 | English
This project investigated the feasibility of using existing software test cases to provide reliability scores for lighting simulation software. Estimation of lighting levels is a key element in commercial building design.
BUILDING SIMULATION 2007: The Study on the Simple HVAC Interface of EnergyPlus in Chinese | 2007 | English
EnergyPlus is a new building energy simulation program supported by American DOE.
Regression analysis of electric energy consumption of commercial buildings in Brazil | 2007 | English
This paper describes a regression analysis performed over parameters related to two commercial building types and three weather files of Brazilian cities.
This paper reports the design analysis process undertaken by the Georgia Tech Solar Decathlon 2007 team for an 800 sq.ft. solar-powered house.
Building an urban energy performance framework: integrating spatial analysis and building simulation tools for campus planning | 2007 | English
The tools that currently benchmark energy consumption beyond the building level are limited. This paper describes a framework utilizing simulation and spatial analysis tools to identify a credible set of campus energy performance indicators integr
Real-time determination of indoor contaminant source location and strength, Part II: with two sensors | 2007 | English
In the preceding companion paper (Part I), a method with one sensor that could identify the indoor contaminant source location and strength in short time was presented.
Real-time determination of indoor contaminant source location and strength, Part I: with one sensor | 2007 | English
In case contaminants are released in occupied rooms, it is necessary to determine the contaminant source location and strength rapidly so that prompt response measures can be taken to protect indoor occupants. This paper presents a new method with
The indoor fire induced by gas leakages can cause a lot of property losses and fatalities. One of the primary fire reasons is the explosion caused by the leaked gas concentrated within the explosive limits and an ignition source offered.
This paper describes CFD modelling of Double Skin Façades (DSF) with venetian blinds inside the façade cavity. The 2-D modelling work investigates the coupled convective, conductive and radiative heat transfer through the DSF system.
Energy based decision support system for facilities management: integration of data/web mining, knowledge base and thermal simulation | 2007 | English
This paper presents the development and implementation of an Energy-based Decision Support System (EDSS) that will enhance the selection process of replacement building features. EDSS includes dynamic databases that utilize data/web mining concept
Simulation support in designing the transformation of urban building stock and energy infrastructure | 2007 | English
The transition of the urban building stock and infrastructure to sustainable forms is a key challenge in modern planning. The purpose of this paper is to propose a simulation model for energy use in the Japanese commercial sector.
Study of cooling system with water mist sprayers ―fundamental examination of particle size distribution and cooling effects | 2007 | English
A cooling system spraying micro water droplets could prove useful in mitigating temperature increases in urban areas by using heat from water evaporation, a process that consumes only small amounts of water and energy.