The 30th AIVC Conference, Trends in High Performance Buildings and the Role of Ventilation, was held in Berlin, Germany, 1-2 October 2009.

Contains 48 papers 


Volume content

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In 2003 the new extension of the German Museum of Technology (Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin), which comprises around 12,000 m?? of exhibition space was completed as a low-energy building.
Johann Reiss, Hans Erhorn
International building legislation is setting stronger and stronger requirements for the energy performance of buildings.
Heike Erhorn-Kluttig, Hans Erhorn, Hicham Lahmidi, Ren Anderson
In 2005 the first Energy Efficiency Plan for South Africa was developed by the Department of Mineralsand Energy. This plan sets the target for energy efficiency improvements of 12% until 2015.
Johannes Schrade, Simon Wössner and Hans Erhorn
Office buildings in central Chile normally show higher cooling than heating energy demand.Overheating is a frequent problem in this type of buildings in cities like Valparaso and Santiago.Santiago (33S) presents a Mediterranean climate, with a hig
Waldo Bustamante Gómez, Elisabeth Gratia
Due to the increase in CO2 emissions and the resulting climate change more and more efforts aremade to reduce energy consumption.
M. Krus, D. Rösler, A. Holm
It is well known that appropriate ventilation represents one of the prerequisites for achieving goodindoor comfort, and we try to ensure a continuous and sufficient intake of fresh air into a building.
M. Tomsic
For quite a long time energy conservation and energy efficiency were concentrated on a singlebuilding approach.
Heike Erhorn-Kluttig, Hans Erhorn
Ventilation is essential for the health and comfort of building occupants. It is particularly required todilute and/or remove pollutants emitted by occupants' metabolism and activities.
F. Richieri, T. Salem, P. Michel
On the way to the solution of our energy-problems, the conditioning of buildings is the most importantsector.
Gerd Hauser
The paper provides the results of monitoring on the specifics of indoor air quality in Latvian dwellingbuildings.
Anatolijs Borodinecs, Zanna Budjko
Passive cooling of buildings is one of the energy-saving measures that can be employed in climateswith predominantly sensible cooling loads.
M. S. Janirek, P. Charvat, J. Stetina
The Annex 46, within the IEA ECBCS programme, is meant to influence the decision making processin the retrofit of public and governmental buildings that determines the use of energy-saving measures in building retrofits.
Florian Stößel, Hans Erhorn, Heike Erhorn-Kluttig, Alexander Zhivov
The ventilation system in nursery buildings requires particular care to guarantee the safety of children[1,2].
Livio de Santoli, Matteo Mariotti
In Central and Northern Europe several thousands homes conform to the Passivhaus standard havebeen built.
L.Pagliano, P.Zangheri, S.Carlucci
There is worldwide plea to reduce carbon emission. Several governments in East Asia recently have responded by setting higher indoor temperatures in summer.
Zhang Lin, M.L. Fong, K.F. Fong, W.S. Shum
Due to increasing interest in indoor air quality and demand controlled ventilation in buildings aiming at energy and cost saving, as well as health and comfort aspects, the objective of our work has been the development of a reliable, low cost too
S. Herberger, M. Herold, H. Ulmer
For outsiders, a national energy performance (EP) requirement level is quite a black box.
M.E. Spiekman
Energy used for building heating, ventilating and air conditioning contributes to a great share in thetotal energy consumption worldwide.
Ha Hai Yen, Ali Youssef, Sezin Eren Özcan, Daniel Berckmans
This paper analyzes some important aspects toward changing energy paradigma in urban area.To that aim it is important to act synergically on three sides of the energy system:- Demand side: by reducing energy demand;- Supply side: by optimizing gen
P. Caputo, G. Costa
The Center for Building Performances and Diagnostics of Carnegie Mellon University is experimenting with Hybrid Ventilation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, to evaluate the potential energy savings of this technique in a region where there are ma
Flore A. Marion, David H. Archer
