Buildings take a great share on the total energyconsumption and C02 emissions in Portugal.Poorly thought buildings pollute the urbanspace, and contribute to the increasing buildingssector energy demand.
29th AIVC Conference - Kyoto,Japan - 14-16 October 2008
The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.
Contains 165 papers
Volume content
Hybrid ventilation free-cooling simulation in Energy Plus. Application on ashopping center retrofitting, in Portugal. | 2008 | English
Simulation on evaluation of Indoor air pollutant difhsed in the crawlspace of detached house | 2008 | English
As the technology in building materialsadvances, the room air pollution caused bychemical compounds, and also by preservativesand insecticides for termite control, has becomea serious problem.
Distribution of contaminants in the occupied zone of a room served by a novel enhanced displacement ventilation system | 2008 | English
The aim of this study is to examine contaminantdistribution in the occupied zone of a room servedby a novel enhanced displacement ventilationsystem which brings cooler air near the floorupward around human body via 4 fans mounted ateach corner of
The concentration in the convection flows ofresuspended particles from the floor area wasexperimentally investigated under laboratoryconditions with different ventilation strategies.It was concluded that the number of smallparticles transported in
In building design the requirements for energyconsumption for ventilation, heating and coolingand the requirements for increasingly betterindoor climate are two opposing factors.This paper presents the schematic layout andsimulation results of an