The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.

Contains 165 papers 

Volume content

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In this study, field measurements andinvestigations have been carried out tounderstand the energy consumption and indoorenvironment of a sustainable designed officebuilding.
Shi, T.; Usami, Y.; Yoshino, H.; Makiko, Y.
This paper describes the merit of daylighting bycomparing the physical and psychologicalaspects of light and heat radiation.
Maki, Y.; Shukuya, M.; Miyazaki, K.
This paper describes some qf the thinking behind the thermal comfort provisions of the new European Standard EN1 525 1 (CEN:2007) for free-running buildings. This standard deals with all aspects on the indoor environment.
F. Nicol, M. Humphreys, H. Rijal
This paper investigates the thermal effect of ceiling-mounted light fixtures for a displacement ventilation system. The influence of fluorescent lainps on a ceiling is examined by computational fluid dynamics and experimental methods.
Y. Hashimoto, H. Yoneda
Air tightness is an important property ofbuilding envelopes. It is a key factor indetermining infiltration and related wallperformanceproperties such as indoor airquality, maintainability and moisturebalance. Air leakage in U.S.
Sherman, M.;
Experimental study was conducted onimproving air-conditioners' energy efficiencyusing hydroponic roof plants. The air-coolingeffect caused by the solar-shading andtranspiration of hydroponic-cultivated sweatpotato was measured.
F. Wang, H. Yoshida, M. Yamashita
The paper presents the results of mold growthrislzs in a corner wall near an entrance door inan apartment house. The corner wall isrecognized as a trouble spot for condensationand mold risk in apartment buildings.
H.J. Moon, J.W. Park, Y.R. Yoon, S.W. Jee
A roof is one of the most importantcharacteristics of Thai architecture especiallyin a house, traditionally. Also, the roof is apart of the house that mainly effects energysaving due to heat allowance pass through andrelease from indoor space.
Boonyaputthipong, C.
An investigation was performed in a middle-corridor-type elementary school in Tolcyo, Japan, equipped with an air-conditioning system for cooling.Temperatures and C02 concentrations weremeasured in classrooms, corridors and outdoors.Visual inspect
Kurabuchi, T.; Kawase, T.; Fukada, K.; Ilno, Y.; Endo, T.; Yoshino, H.
In the past various experimental investigationsabout room airflows were published.
Heschl, C.; Sanz, W.; Lindmeier, I.
In this paper the energy performance and thepotentials of the energy savings decrease in twooffice buildings in northern Greece areexamined, within the frames of a renovationproject in office buildings of the public sector.Energy audits and simula
Koinakis, C.J.; Sakelaris, J.K.
A double-skin facade is installed in a laboratory full scale test cell. The double-skin fagade has a 20 cm wide air cavity with Venetian sun-shading blinds and is provided with mechanical ventilation.
Gavan, V.; Woloszyn, M.; Roux, J.-J.; Muresan, C.; Jandon, M.
In hot and humid regions, cooling anddehumidification are important issues of inindoor environment.
N. Areemit, Y. Sakamoto
Numerous studies and everyday experiencesprove the fact that even new buildings do notperform as expected.
Pietilainen, J.; Kauppinen, T.; Nykanen, V.; Peltonen, J.
Double-skin facade (DSF) is an architectural/ engineering solution developed from the need to increase comfort in buildings with full glazed facades.
Marques da Silva, F.; Pereira, I.; Pinto, A.; Gloria Gomes, M.; Moret Rodrigues, A.
The objective of this study is to identify theeffects of mirror duct system on energy savingsfor luminaries.
E. Mochizuki, H. Komine, H. Kimura
Today lots of research and application of solarheating are focused on continuously occupiedbuildings, such as residential buildings.
G. Yu, H. Yang
Tn this paper, using thc "SCTENCE vent"method for estimating the energy consumptionfor air conditioning in rcsidcntial buildings, wcevaluated the wind environment and theradiative conditions with respect to the targetbuildings in the case where th
Narumi, D.; Taketa, A.; Shimoda, Y.
There are many technologies aimed at reducing energy demand of ventilation systems, but thefocus in these designs has remained on the airheating system and exhaust losses.
Meggers, F.; Baldini, L.
