This study was carried out systematically asfollows; at first, an investigation of grossbuilding-to-land ratio of real residential areawith GIs data was carried out. We obtained theresult that almost areas locate within the rangefrom 20 to 45%, and the average was 33%.From these results, reproduction-conditions ofbuilding-models in the wind tunnel experimentwere decided. Secondly, in these reproductionconditions,wind pressure coefficients ofresidential buildings were measured. Planshapesof target buildings were two kinds. Onewas rectangular plan wyth flat roof, gable roofand hipped roof. And the other was L-characterplanwith flat roof and gable roof. Analysis ofwind pressure coefficients distributions weremade according to the density of the urban areaand the arrangement of buildings in surrounding.Finally, based on these experimental results,air-flow-network-simulation was carried out,and simplified prediction method of air changerate by cross-ventilation was examined. As aresult, simple equation of which variable wereopening-Area and external wind velocity forrough prediction of air change rate bycross-ventilation was obtained.
A Study on Wind Pressure Coefficients of Residential Buildings andSimplified Prediction of Air Change Rate by Cross-Ventilation

Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008