Utsumi, Y.; Kamimura, K.; Kishima, S.; Taira, U.
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008

This paper describes the optimum HVACcontrol system that the simulation is executedusing the data of BEMS and the weatherforecasting, etc. The thermal characteristicssuch as heat load are calculated by thesimulation code TRNSYS with modeling thetargeted building, and many scenarios for thenext day are indicated in terms of energyconsumption, C02 generation rate, thermalcomfort and cost. After the operator has chosena scenario, the optimized operation schedule ofthe heat source is provided by the simulationcode GAMS. All the data are treated on the dataplatform, BAC-Flex, that stores and exchangesthem on the internet, and the platform can workwith existing LAN communication system. Thissystem can be adjusted concerning to thebuilding model, the equipment operation, the settemperature, etc. in daily basis. The briefstmcture of the system is explained and anexample applied to the school is introduced.