The book of proceedings from the 26th AIVC Conference "Ventilation in relation to the energy performance of buildings", Brussels, Belgium, 21-23 September 2005.
26th AIVC Conference - Brussels, Belgium - 21-23 September 2005
The 26th AIVC Conference, Ventilation in relation to the energy performance of buildings, was held in Brussels, Belgium, 21- 23 September 2005.
Contains 52 papers
Volume content
26th AIVC Conference "Ventilation in relation to the energy performance of buildings" (Book of Proceedings) | 2005 | English | 374 pp
The 26th AIVC Annual Conference took place in Belgium at the Hotel Husa President Park, located in Brussels.
Comparative analysis of the energy impact of air infiltration for different ventilation systems | 2005 | English
This work presents simulations results exploring the influence of the building air-tightness on the energy consumption of buildings for different hypothesis on the type of ventilation system.
The probabilistic model (PROMO) applied to the problem of air infiltration in low-rise buildings is presented. The PROMO model allows the estimation of the effect of variations of climaticconditions on air exchange in a building.
Indoor climate design for a monumental building with periodic high indoor moisture loads | 2005 | English
The paper presents a study of the indoor climate of a monumental building with periodic high indoor moisture loads. Several scenarios of the past performance and new control classes are simulated and evaluated.
This paper investigates the sensitivity of indoor humidity models to the numerical description of water vapour buffering in porous materials in the room.
The performance of three different ventilation systems in cold climate homes is discussed.
The hybrid ventilation systems have been widely used for livestock barns to provide optimum indoor climate by controlling the ventilation rate and air flow distribution within the ventilated building structure.
Studies on air circulation became of great importance in recent years, since are crucial for the energy consumption of buildings, for the pollutant dispersion within cities and for the good comfort conditions for the pedestrians and the habitants.
Numerical simulations of energy performance of a ventilation system controlled by relative humidity | 2005 | English
High levels of indoor relative humidity are one of the main causes of moisture damage in buildings. That cause can be removed by an appropriate ventilation system.
Use of the stairwell as a component of natural ventilation systems in residential buildings, comparison of technologies for the external envelope | 2005 | English
The design and realisation of natural ventilation systems is an important research topic into the ability of buildings to respond to climatic conditions, using parts of the buildings themselves as indoor microclimate control systems.
This study investigates numerically the occurrence and duration of higher relative humidities in a cold attic space, which are a consequence of excessive moisture supply from ventilating the attic and from air infiltration from inside the dwelling
This paper presents the results of a field study conducted on 31 houses owned by a French social housing management body.
An on-line mathematical approach was used to model the spatio-temporal temperature distribution in an imperfectly mixed forced ventilated room.
Impact of commercial building infiltration on heating and coolin loads in US office buildings | 2005 | English
With the exception of a few analyses of the impacts of ASHRAE Standard 62-89 and energy use in specific buildings, the energy use in commercial building due to infiltration and ventilation flows has received little attention.
The present paper presents the results of the energy and environmental evaluation of ten school buildings in the Greater Athens Area.
Prediction of buoyancy-induced pressure difference across exterior walls of high rise residential buildings | 2005 | English
It is very important to estimate the stack pressure difference across exterior walls for understanding the energy impacts of infiltration and ventilation in high-rise buildings, because stack pressure is likely to significantly affect energy load
The paper gives an outline of existing modelling capabilities as well as an overview of current developments in integral modelling of hygrothermal conditions for whole buildings as presented within IEA Annex 41.
Performance evaluation of the hybrid ventilation system controlled by a pressure difference sensor | 2005 | English
A hybrid ventilation system controlled by a pressure difference sensor was installed on a detached test house.
In this paper the effects of atrium and other similar architectural design features (e.g. shafts) on ventilation efficiency are examined in a multi-storey office building.