Dorer V., Pfeiffer A., Weber A.
Languages: English | Pages: 120 pp
Bibliographic info:
AIVC Technical Note 59, 2005, 120 pp

This AIVC Technical Note has been produced in the frame of the EU RESHYVENT project, conducted from January 2002 to December 2004. An outline of this project is given in the introduction of this report. The report initially was aimed at the project participants; however, many information may also be of general interest to manufacturers and designers of hybrid residential ventilation systems. Therefore it has been made available to a wider audience by publication as an AIVC TN.

For the design of demand controlled hybrid ventilation systems for residential buildings, the report gives detailed background information on topics which are not sufficiently covered by existing literature (e.g. wind pressures or thermal comfort evaluation by CFD simulation). The report also gives detailed information on input data necessary to perform computer simulations for the performance analysis of systems.

Within RESHYVENT, the information and data given in this report were aimed at the industrial consortia for the development and analysis of their systems and performance assessment simulations. Parts of this report were also used for the preparation of the RESHYVENT source book on residential hybrid ventilation.