Reports on continuous energy measurements carried out in 6 detached single-family, low-energy houses in Copenhagen. Describes a few typical construction details to illustrate solutions to the problem of cold bridges, and to demonstrate ways of obtaining airtight constructions. Measures air change rate using tracer gas decay method and pressurisation and suction tests. Works out total heat loss for a period when ventilation systems are sealed and the houses heated by electric resistance heaters. Finds the transmission heat loss by deducting the infiltration heat loss, and compares the result to the calculated heat loss, based on actual temperatures and theoretical u-values. Finds that the calculated and measured transmission heat loss differs less then 15%.
Insulation and air tightness of six low-energy houses at Hjortekaer, Denmark.

Bibliographic info:
CIB 3rd International Symposium `Energy Conservation in the Built Environment' Dublin March 30-April 1 1982