Reinikainen L.
Bibliographic info:
Helsinki University of Technology - Department of Mechanical Engineering - Laboratory of heating, ventilating and air conditioning - Report A6 - Espoo 2002 - 135 pages

Dryness is still one of the major complaints concerning indoor air quality in office buildings and respective nonindustrial environments. Dampness in buildings in terms of excess amounts of water in the solid parts, and the harmful consequences have been discussed vigorously in recent years. Indoor air humidity, which means water vapour in the indoor air, has been given less attention.
The objectives of that study were to investigate in full-scale office conditions the effects of humidification, absolute and relative humidity, and temperature on sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms and judgements of perceived indoor air quality.
The study was conductd in the Pasila Office Center, Helsinki.
It comprised a first part (1985) about the occurrence of symptoms and complaints among the workers in humidified and non humidified rooms. The second part (1989) concerned the effects of humidification, humidity and temperature on office worker' s symptoms and perceptions, as well as the perception of odours by a panel.
This document is an academic dissertation about the results of this study and their analysis.
It includes in annex , 5 papers published on this topic by the author from 1991 to 2002.