ASHRAE has developed a draft of a measurement standard, Standard 129, entitled "Standard Method of Measuring Air Cliange Effectiveness." This standard defines a method of measurement for measuring air change effectiveness in mechanically ventilated spaces, and provides a discussion of how the values of air change effectiveness may be used to demonstrate compliance with ASHRAE 62-1 989. Since Standasd 129 defines relatively complicated tracer gas procedures for measuring air change effectiveness, the Standard Pro-ject Coinmi ttee 129P and the cogtiizan t technical committee (TC 5.3) have recommended an experimental evaluation of the measurement procedure. The objectives of the proposed work are to obtain infotmation on tlie practicality of the measurement procedures and to quantify the precision of measured values of air change effectiveness. The experirnental test plan involves measuring the air cllange effectiveness at ten workstations in an 800 ft² office space mock up. Tests will be repeated under fixed temperature and airflow rate conditions ten times for the step up and ten titnes for the step down (decay) measurement methods. Sulfur Hexafluoride will be used as the tracer gas and three different sample collection techniques will be used simultaneously; line sampling, grab sampling, and integrated bag sampling. This paper presents our expel-i~nentaplr otocol to evaluate this proposed new standard. Prelinzinay results will be presented at the tneeting and tlie cotnplete set of data will be published as an ASHRAE technical paper at an upcolninp ASHRAE meeting.
Experimental validation of Ashrae SPC-129 Standard method of measuring air change effectiveness .

Bibliographic info:
16th AIVC Conference "Implementing the results of ventilation research", Palm Springs, USA, 18-22 September 1995