The book of proceedings from the 16th AIVC Conference "Implementing the results of ventilation research", Palm Springs, USA, 18-22 September 1995
Volume 1 includes 29 papers
Volume 2 includes 26 papers
16th AIVC Conference - Palm Springs, USA - 18-22 September 1995
The 16th AIVC Conference - Implementing the results of ventilation research, was held in Palm Springs, USA, 18-22 September 1995.
Contains 51 papers.
Volume content
16th AIVC Conference "Implementing the results of ventilation research" (Book of Proceedings) | 1995 | English | 561 pp
The energy impact involved between bringing in outdoor air for indoor air pollution reduction and the energy required to condition this air are investigated in this report.
The Dutch E Novation Program: indoor air quality in dwellings before and after renovation. | 1995 | English
The Dutch E novation program is a national demonstration program in which dwellings with high energy consumption, moisture and mould problems and poor indoor air quality were renovated, with special attention to the selection of the heating and ve
Air flow measurements and simulations were made on a 13-story apartment building to characterize the ventilation rates for the individual apartments.
In this paper, we investigate the potential of an aerosol-based technique to significantly reduce the leakiness of residential air distribution systems (ADS).
A laboratory for investigation of the air quality in simulated indoor environments. | 1995 | English
A laboratory, designed to form the basis for research aiming at increasing the knowledge concerning the interactions between indoor pollution sources and the indoor environment, has been taken into operation.
Indoor climate and user interaction on modern Swedish one family houses - results using a questionnaire. | 1995 | English
Disadvantages and advantages with different heating and ventilation systems in modern housing have been discussed during many years in Sweden.
The combined use of CFD and zonal modelling techniques to aid the prediction and measurement of ventilation effectiveness parameters. | 1995 | English
In order that sampling points may be strategically located, it is desirable to have knowledge of the spatial variation of ventilation eflectiveness parameters prior to measuring them using tracer gas sampling techniques.
With effect from January 1st, 1995 the amended Heat Transfer Barrier Act (,,Warmeschutzverordnung ) was introduced in the Federal Republic of Germany, replacing the 1982 version.
For the planning of "silent cooling" systems built by free convective coolers, it is necessary to support characteristic data for the cooling performance and the effect of different installation and operating parameters on the cooling performance.
By means of a case study involving a severe case of coupled heat and sir flow in buildings, this paper aims to quantify the differences resulting from different methods (ping-pong and onion approach) for linking heat and air flow models.
A study was set up to compare the effectiveness of passive stack ventilators (PSV) with mechanical extract fans (MEF) in providing adequate ventilation in UK homes.
Experimental validation of Ashrae SPC-129 Standard method of measuring air change effectiveness . | 1995 | English
ASHRAE has developed a draft of a measurement standard, Standard 129, entitled "Standard Method of Measuring Air Cliange Effectiveness." This standard defines a method of measurement for measuring air change effectiveness in mechanically ventilate
A breakthrough in ventilation research was made once it was realized that ventilation principles based on mixed flow patterns are not optimal and that further energy savings can be achieved if an alternative technique could be developed.
Approved Document (AD Part F1) of the Building Regulations [1] for England and Wales identifies trickle ventilators as an option for providing natural background ventilation in commercial buildings.
A computer program has been developed to predict the wind pressure coefficients Cp on facades and roofs of block shaped buildings. The program is based on fits of measured data, including wind shielding by obstacles and terrain roughness.
The impact of various ventilation remedies on radon levels and local building environment in a UK test house * some preliminary results. | 1995 | English
The Building Research Establishment is currently investigating the impact of various radon remedies at a radon affected test house. Tests aim to assess how different ventilation strategies affect indoor radon levels and the building environment.
In line maintenance hangars, air planes stay about 2 hours, usually at night-time.
The installation of packaged heat recovery ventilation (HRV) systems has recently become common practise in new homes in Canada.
Two factors - CO2 emissions fiom heating and cooling systems and restrictions on the use of CFC refrigerants - have accelerated the development and introduction of new and more environmentally friendly cooling systems.