The focus of this paper is on controlling ventilation rate to provide acceptable temperature and relative humidity in the space being ventilated. To this end, a system of heat and moisture balance equations for building indoor and components is described. The system is solved numerically. Based on a series of indoor temperature and moisture measurements for our experimental house and well-mixed air distribution in room, moisture generation rate is estimated. The model is validated by simulating the experimental house. Good agreement between the simulated and measured results is obtained. The effects on ventilation controlling and indoor relative humidity of the moisture generation rate and surface moisture resistance of building material are also demonstrated by simulation
On controlling indoor thermal and moisture content for an occupied building.

Bibliographic info:
UK, Oxford, Elsevier, 2000, proceedings of Roomvent 2000, "Air Distribution in Rooms: Ventilation for Health and Sustainable Environment", held 9-12 July 2000, Reading, UK, Volume 2, pp 951-956