Reviews sources of indoor air pollution, factors which influence pollutant concentration, and health aspects. Reports on investigations into carbon monoxide concentrations in kitchens with geysers. Treats various factors including geyser type, state of maintenance, frequency of use, occupant type, cooking and ventilating behaviour, time and location of measurements etc.Reports nitrogen dioxide concentration measurements in kitchens and livingrooms relating to cooking and smoking. Discusses threshold values of Dutch Health Council.Reviews indoor concentrations of respirable dust caused by smoking or infiltration. Refers to ISSO report of January 1981 by Bouwman dealing with carbon dioxide and odour in offices in view of minimum ventilation rates.
Air pollution in dwellings. Luchtverontreiniging in woningen.

Bibliographic info:
Klimaatbeh. May 1982 vol.11 no.5 p.126-129 1 fig. 3 tabs. #DATE 01:05:1982 in Dutch