Effect of fluctuating wind pressures on natural ventilation.

Describes research project which aimed to quantify the difference between actual dynamic ventilation rates and natural ventilation rates predicted using a steady state model. 

Why airtight houses? Varfor tata hus?

Explains why house external shell and ventilation system must be treated as integral elements of a total system. Explains, using an analogous water system, why air leakage through shell is greater using push-pull ventilation than when using extract ventilation and why houses should be airtight.

Analysis of infiltration by tracer gas technique, pressurization tests and infrared scans.

Reports the investigation of the natural ventilation of three test houses. Describes the houses which were of standard design. Natural ventilation rates were measured using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas. An energy audit was also performed using a fan to pressurize and depressurize the house and an infrared scanner to detect the leakage paths. The tracer gas measurements were converted to a format similar to thepressurization results by using a previously developed model. Gives results in the form of graphs.

Air leakage through joints Luftlackage genom fogar.

Reports tests of air leakage made in the joints in a hospital building in gothenberg using a special pressure chamber. Describes test method and gives the values from five readings ina table. The required standard was that "the maximum leakage of air would be 300 litres per m run joint per hour at a pressure differential of 10mm of water". Tests showed that the required standard was met and perhaps that the amount of attention given by contractors and owners to joint problems has increased.

Does a grill help ? Helpt een rooster ?

Treats odour penetration from garages etc. into connected room, caused by wind pressure on windward side openings. Discusses measures to prevent overpressure e.g. by a leeward side grill oran exhausting ventilator. Explains with mollier diagrams.

Condensation in attics : are vapor barriers really the answer ?.

Calculations of water vapour flow through walls and ceilings are frequently based on the permeability of building materials and implicitly assume that most of the vapour transport takes place by diffusion. Finds that this model is generally inval

The effectiveness of an evergreen windbreak for reducing residential energy consumption.

Describes experiment to determine the effect of an evergreen windbreak on residential heat losses attributable to air infiltration. Eight-meter tall pines were arranged as an experimental windbreak to shelter a townhouse for nine weeks Air infiltration was measured continuously using SF6 as a tracer gas to compare air change rates before and after the windbreak. A dimensionless parameter was derived to distinguish between wind-and temperature-produced air infiltration and to determine the effects of wind direction.

Field tests of thermal insulation and airtightness of buildings Faltprovning av byggnaders varmeisolering och lufttathet

Treats methods of determining energy losses in a building given in 1975 swedish building regulations. Presents findings of a number of measurements using pressure method and thermography carried out during 1977 and winter of 1978. The apparatus and methods have been developed for field work. Presents results which depict different grades of airtightness in different types of building. Discusses use of thermography, which has been extensively used in recent years in Sweden in particular for new buildings. States method has been developed to become subject of a swedish standard.

Weather strips Tettelister

Describes tests made on fifty different weatherstrips. Tests were made in the laboratory of airtightness, rigidity, ageing, load tests, freeze tests and wear tests. Strips mounted in windows were tested for ageing and resistance to driving rain. Gives test methods and results and discusses the characteristics of eight main types of strip.

Air infiltration reduction through retrofitting.

Documents and compares the air infiltration levels experienced in five Twin Rivers townhouses before and after retrofit. The retrofits sealed and caulked window frames, sealed cracks along the attic floor/party wall Junction and reduced leakage from basement to attic. Weather data and air infiltration rates were analysed using multiple regression, polar plotting, stemleaf plotting and comparisons of infiltration rates with inside to outside temperature differences. Gives results in graphs and tables.
