The design of spires for wind simulation.

A short note giving formulae for the design of spires for use in simulating the planetary boundary layer. Gives expressions for the height and base length of triangular spires which will produce given values of the boundary layer thickness and power-law exponent. Gives comparisons of calculated values with experimental data.

Controlled ventilation with exhaust air heat recovery for Canadian housing

The proceedings of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation industry/science seminar "Controlled Ventilation with Exhaust Air Heat Recovery for Canadian Housing" 26 October 1978

Pipes-within-a-pipe heat exchanger used in Provident House.

Briefly describes a heat exchanger designed for use in a tight, solar heated house. The exchanger consists of three 3in. galvanized steel ducts within an 8in. galvanized steel duct. The ducts can be assembled in any length - 33 ft. was used in Provident House, giving a theoretical effectiveness of 33%.

Testing and analysis of a heat wheel heat exchanger.

Reports the development of a small air-to-air rotary heat exchanger for residential applications in progress at Ontario Hydro Ltd. A prototype has been constructed and tested. Gives results of performance tests and the results of a numerical model for the solution of heat transfer equations as related to the prototype performance. States exchanger will be installed in aHUDAC conservation house.

Mechanical ventilation or natural draft. Painovoimainen vai koneellinen ilmanvaihto.

A fair comparison of ventilation systems is almost an impossible achievement. Even an economic comparison causes difficulties; the different systems render different room air qualities which cannot be counted in money. 

Uncontrolled ventilation in connection with mechanical exhaust. Hallitsematon ilmanvaihto koneellisen ilmanpoiston yhteydessa.

Notes that if the exhaust air flows in an apartment building are adjusted to the same value in similar apartments, the pressure conditions may not be the same in these apartments. 

Heat recovery from the exhaust air in old apartment buildings. Lammon talteenotto poistoilmasta vanhoissa asuinkerrostaloissa.

In order to investigate the possibilities of installing heat recovery equipment in old apartment houses, a large project has been started. There are 30,000 to 35,000 apartment houses in Finland with an average volume of6000-7000 cu.m. Possible savings from heat recovery in houses with mechanical exhaust are the transfer of heat to supply air using standard equipment and heat recovery from exhaust air using heat pumps.

Infiltration measurements in audit and retrofit programs.

A model that relates fan pressurization results to infiltration values during the heating season is the basis for infiltration estimates in several different audit programs. Describes the model and presents validation results. The model is used in three different audit strategies. The first is an energy audit to determine economically optimal retrofits for residential buildings, based on actual on-site measurements of key indices of the house.
