Wind-generated natural ventilation of housing for thermal comfort in hot humid climates.

Investigates a rational method of utilizing recent improvements in wind tunnel techniques and meteorological data, to estimate potential wind-generated air flow through housing in hot humid climates. The method uses mean pressure differences obtained from solid wind tunnel models together with appropriate discharge coefficients for rectangular openings. Changes in pressure distributions due to typical openings through models indicated that the use of pressure data from solid models results in errors similar to those associated with the local wind data.

Averaged pressure coefficients for rectangular buildings.

Presents and discusses mean pressure coefficients averaged over the entire side of a building, obtained from measurements made on models of rectangular flat-roofed buildings made in a boundary layer wind tunnel. Describes measurement technique and data collection. Pressure coefficients based on either a local reference wind speed or a reference wind speed measured at the level of the building have been computed. Gives example and a comparison with existing building codes and standards.

Proposed nordic standard for ventilation and thermal comfort.

Presents a proposal for an Indoor Climate Standard, to be included in the building codes of the nordic countries. The standard comprises two parts: 1) air quality and ventilation, 2) thermal environment. The paper presents and discusses the main features of the two parts of the standard. Mechanical ventilation is required in all buildings including dwellings at a minimum outdoor air change of 0.5/h. Limits for operative temperature and for thermal non-uniformity are given for winter and summer conditions.

Wind loads on low-rise buildings.

A major study of wind loads on low-rise buildings has culminated in a relatively simple formulation for the wind loading for such structures. These proposed load requirements reflect many important aspects of the wind action, such as the predominance of unsteady loads, the reduction in effective loading with increased tributary area, and the provision of separate sets of loads, intended to be used together, for design of primary structural members.

Energy audits of existing residential builings in-situ with a microprocessor.

Describes an energy audit procedure developed for determining economically optimal retrofits for a residential building. This audit is a microprocessor -based, interactive, site and house specific package addressing conservation, solar and wind measures. A dymnamic model of heating and cooling load is used to evaluate fuel savings. Special attention is given to the estimation of monthly average air infiltration rates, using a model correlating pressurization results with air infiltration under natural weather conditions.

Air quality and ventilation. Raumluftqualitat und luftung.

Air pollutants caused by man were measured in a test chamber. Variables were number of persons and their activities and the rate of the air change. During test sessions of two hours the temperature, the relative humidity, the carbon-dioxide and intensity of odors were measured. There was a significant correlation between the odor intensities and the concentrations of carbon-dioxide independent of the number of persons and the air change rate.At air change rates of 12-15m**3 per person and per hour, the carbon-dioxide concentration was not higher then 0.

Mean and fluctuating internal pressures induced by wind.

Reports investigation of mean and fluctuating pressure inside buildings, induced by wind using boundary layer wind tunnel and computer simulation techniques. Mean and root-mean-square fluctuating internal pressure coefficients were both found to be monotonic functions of the ratio of windward to leeward opening areas.< The case of a single windward opening was treated as a damped Helmholtz resonator.

Air flow experiments in full scale test rooms.

Airflow inside air-conditioned rooms needs to be determined experimentally using test rooms. The test room dimensions vary because a test room must represent a section which is characteristic of the original room dimensions. The flow pattern is made visible; the velocities, and in some cases the gas concentration is measured. The experiments are done under thermal steady-state conditions. Some general results are:

Estimation of the relation between tightness and leakage ventilation in a building. Part 2. Rakenteiden ilmantiiviyden ja ilmanvaihtuvuuden valisen riippuvuuden arvioiminen.

Reports pressure tests of the air leakage of an apartment building. The building is three storeys with a cellar above ground. There is a mechanical exhaust system and in addition every apartment has a kitchen fan.Pressure tests were made in each apartment. Leakage points were located with smoke tests. The leakage of windows and doors was determined with the "plenum" method. Each window was surrounded by a "plenum" and leakage at the boundary between plenum and wall was eliminated by an auxiliary fan which maintains the same pressure in the room as in the "plenum".
