Acoustical and thermal performance of exterior residential walls, doors and windows.

Reports laboratory tests of sound transmission loss, thermal transmittance and rate of air leakage conducted on full-scale specimens of typical residential exterior wall constructions, either unbroken or penetrated by a door or window. A total of 109 acoustical tests and 48 thermal tests are reported. The resultant data are compared with literature data on similar constructions. Some correlation was found between sound transmission loss and air leakage.

The american energy consumer

Reports a study of patterns of domestic energy consumption in the U.S.A. Surveys home energy use and energy use for travel. Recommends ways of saving energy. Discusses sources and distribution of air pollution.

Air infiltration in low-rise residential buildings: a state-of-the-art review

Reviews current and past air infiltration research related to low-rise residential structures. Discusses measurement techniques, case studies, techniques for detecting and reducing air infiltration in new and existing houses, occupant effects on air change rates and indoor air quality. Two appendices give respectively over 100 references and a print-out of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's air infiltration bibliography.

Infiltration in two mobile homes

Reports research undertaken to find the effect of a continuous sheathing board and skirting on the infiltration rate in a mobile home. Two mobile homes were tested, one equipped with sheathing board, and one caulked at structural joints. 

Radon in the home

Describes sources of radon in materials and measures of exposure. Reviews measurements of radon in mines and dwellings. Describes measurements of the concentration of radon in a sealed chamber. Concludes that concentration of radon daughters can be reduced by removing dust from the air using an electrostatic precipitator or by using a very high ventilation rate combined with an efficient heat exchanger. Finds most significant sources of radon in dwellings are cracks and openings in the floor. Suggests reducing radon by covering bare surfaces and sealing the floor, or using a crawl space.

Measurement of ventilation rates with radioactive tracers

Describes use of a radioactive tracer for measuring ventilation rates. Finds krypton 85 is the most suitable gas although xenon 133 and argon 41 have been used. Mentions various studies using radioactive tracers made in both France and England. Suggests commercial sources for krypton 85.

Some field test results of wind pressures on a tall building.

Reports full-scale studies of wind pressures on a tall prismatic building under a strong wind. Discusses correlations of the wind and wind pressures, periodic changes which may be caused Karmon vortices and well correlated ranges of the wind pressure.

The natural ventilation of tall office buildings.

Reports study of the natural ventilation in elementary tall office buildings has been made using the analogy between the flow of air through a building and the passage of an electric current through a circuit of resistances. The prime motive forces, those of wind pressure and stack effect are detailed, and experimental values for these and other parameters related to the building are outlined.

The reduction of airborne radon daughter concentration by plateout on an air mixing fan.

Reports a series of experiments made in the U.S. Bureau of Mines radon test chamber to study the effects of condensation nuclei, humidity and turbulence on the rapid deposition or plateout of radon daughter activity on the chamber walls. Under low humidity conditions the presence of a small fan reduced the working level by 41%. The activity was not deposited on the walls by the turbulent flow from the fan but actually became attached to the fan blades. High relative humidity (>80%) totally inhibited this observed effect.

The measurement of low concentrations of radon-222 daughters in air with emphasis on RaA assessment.

Reviews methods for the measurement of the activity concentrations of radon-222 daughters in air. Describes method which enables activity concentrations as low as 0.05 pc i/l of ra a to be measured with simple readily transportable equipment. The method presented here also measures RaB (214 Pb) and RaC (214Bi) activity concentrations and working levels with improved precision compared with established methods.
