Detailed monitoring of the Canning Crescent Centre, London.

The Canning Crescent Centre was monitored as part of the European NatVent™ project to provide a case study of the performance of a naturally ventilated building located in an urban area. It was chosen for investigation because it incorporates a specially designed natural ventilation strategy as a result of its location on a polluted high street in London where external air and noise pollution levels are perceived to be high.

Natural ventilation by thermal buoyancy with several openings and with temperature stratification.

Based on the fundamental flow equations, a set of formulas is derived for air velocities, temperature differences and ventilation rates in relation to number of openings, opening areas, net heat input, building geometry, and temperature stratification. The use of the formulas is illustrated on a three-storeyed office building.

Ventilation performances in new Belgian dwellings.

A systematic analysis of recently constructed dwellings in the Flemish Region has beenundertaken within the SENVIVV-project (1 995- 1998) [I]. In total 200 dwellings have beenexamined in detail. The study involved various aspects: energy related building data (thermalinsulation level, net heating demand, installed heating power, etc.), indoor climate(temperature levels in winter and summer), building airtightness, ventilation, appreciation ofthe occupants, etc. This paper focuses on the results of the airtightness measurements thatwere undertaken in 51 of the 200 investigated dwellings.

Ventilative Strategies for Low-Income Dwellings


Combustion venting training course: student manual.


Using fabric thermal storage to provide passive cooling.

Studies at the Oxford Brookes University have shown that opportunities for improving a building's fabric thermal storage performance relate more to aspects of its configuration, control and ventilation strategy than the choice of structural system.
