Study of wind pressure with vertical distribution on model-scale buildings.

Reports measurements of pressure distribution on square cylindrical models in wind tunnel. Vertical distribution of wind velocity was produced by grids of horizontal rods at varying spacing. Wind pressure distributions on model-scale buildings were obtained, varying the height, width, depth and winddirection. To compare results, a large-scale model 3.6 metreshigh 1.2 metres by 1.2 metres in plan was placed on the shore and pressure distribution measured during a strong wind. Gives diagrams of pressure distributions.

Pressure rise in some buildings caused by gusty wind. Druckansteig im inneren von Gebauden bei Windeinfall.

Considers the rise in air pressure inside a closed building with openings on the windward side, caused by gusts of wind and the increased pressure on the building envelope, especially on the roof. Derives expressions for the transient pressure inside the building, dependent on the velocity of the wind, the volume of the building and the size of openings on the windward side. Notes that in general buildings are more permeable than has been assumed

A wind tunnel investigation using simple building models to obtain mean surface wind pressure coefficients for air infiltration estimates.

Detailed sets of time-averaged surface pressure coefficients were recorded over the walls and roof of a rectangular building model, set in a simulated high density urban area. The 1/400 scale model represented a generalized smooth surfaced building of 100x150 ft plan form, whose height varied from 300 ft to 200,100 and 50ft. Surrounding roughness elements equalled the heightof the 50ft, building model. Tests were carried out at twelve wind angles using a power low velocity profile with an exponent of 0.43.

The measurement of wind pressures on tall buildings

Reviews some previous work on the measurement of wind pressures at full-scale. Deals with some of the problems arising. Describes pilot investigation being made at State House, Holborn to develop suitable techniques and to study the effect of gusts on pressure distribution. Gives preliminary results and mentions problem of establishing a suitable reference pressure.

Wind loads on generally shaped house bodies model tests Vindbelastning pa huskroppar av allman form modellprov.

Reports wind tunnel investigation of the wind pressure on houses. Tests were made on model of traditional form with sides in the ratio 1:3 and 1:6, roof pitch of 14 and heights of 2,3,4 and 8 storeys. Results were obtained in the form of pressure coefficients which are transformed into isobars using spline interpolation. Gives diagrams showing pressure coefficients and isobars for each test.

Effects of velocity distribution on wind loads and flow patterns on buildings.

Discusses pressure distribution on buildings. Describes wind tunnel tests on model buildings. Pressure distribution on walls were measured in a constant velocity field and in anartificially produced velocity gradient. Discusses results and deduces rules by which pressure distribution and wind loads can be predicted for buildings in any specified wind field. Changes in the flow pattern due to the velocity distribution were observed and correlated with the pressure distribution.

Estimated rate of pressurization and depressurization of buildings.

States that the calculation of transient pressures in buildings requires the estimation of the rate of air leakage through various paths. Gives an expression for infiltration through a wall component. Gives formulae for calculating pressure transients inside a building under forced ventilation with air leaking out of the building under various conditions. Theseformulae also apply when air is leaking into the building. Discusses practical applications and the practical problems for which the formulae are useful.

Wind profiles over a suburban site and wind effects on a half full-scale model building.

Discusses the problems of modelling natural wind in a wind tunnel and notes lack of comparison between full-scale and wind tunnel studies. Reviews past work which often shows marked discrepancies in wind tunnel data. Reports results of a study carried out in the field of wind effects on a half full-size single storey model building. Wind profiles over the site were measured and pressure effects experienced by the model recorded.

Effect of velocity distribution on wind loads on walls and low buildings.

Describes wind tunnel tests on cubical models with roof angles of 0, 15, 30 and 45 and on a wall placed in constant velocity and variable velocity air stream. Discusses the effect of velocity distribution on pressure distribution and wind loads. Presents results in the form of diagrams of pressure coefficients over the models.

Wind tunnel test on rectangular buildings with flat roofs and gable roofs. Windkanaluntersuchungen an Gebauden von rechteckigen Grundriss mit Flack-und Satteldachern.

Reports systematic pressure distribution measurements made on models of rectangular buildings of various heights with gabled roofs of different slopes in a wind tunnel. Describes the models and test procedure. Gives results in the form of graphs of mean pressure coefficients for different roof pitch, building height and wind direction. An appendix shows how mean pressure coefficients are obtained from section pressure coefficients, giving graphs of section pressure coefficients over the ground plan of the buildings and the raised roof structure. NOTES translation available from B.S.R.I.A.
