Reports measurements of pressure distribution on square cylindrical models in wind tunnel. Vertical distribution of wind velocity was produced by grids of horizontal rods at varying spacing. Wind pressure distributions on model-scale buildings were obtained, varying the height, width, depth and winddirection. To compare results, a large-scale model 3.6 metreshigh 1.2 metres by 1.2 metres in plan was placed on the shore and pressure distribution measured during a strong wind. Gives diagrams of pressure distributions. Finds similar pressure distributions in boundary layer velocity fields to natural wind, but pressure distribution in constant velocity field was different from that in natural wind.
Study of wind pressure with vertical distribution on model-scale buildings.

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings USA-Japan Research Seminar "Wind loads on structures "National Science Foundation, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. October 19-24 1970 ed. A.N.L. Chiu