Do sunspaces work in Scotland? Lessons learnt from a CEC solar energy demonstration project in Glasgow.

The paper examines the extent to which user's intervention may compromise the therrmal performance of small sunspaces in the context of a Solar Energy Demonstration Project at Easthall in Glasgow (55°52'N), which was monitored from September 1992 to May 1994. Results indicate a tendency to close down windows etc. late in autumn and open them up early in spring relative to heat demand. In other words a user – driven energy load due to ventilation is higher in autumn and spring than in the central winter period.

Comfort and control in the workplace.


The effects of human behaviour on natural ventilation rate and indoor air environment in summer - a field study in southern Japan.

Residents completed a questionnaire survey assessing indoor environment and residents' behavior (i.e. when they opened windows/doors, when they operated air conditioners, and so on) during the period of ventilation measurement. The purpose of this study is to measure the ventilation rate in occupied dwellings in Kagoshima City, located in the southern part of Japan, using the tracer gas method and to investigate the relationship between the occupants' behavior in each dwelling and the energy consumption for air conditioning during the summer period.

New trends in IAQ and ventilation.

Fifty six office buildings in nine European countries were audited during the heating season of 1993-1994 using an agreed upon procedure to investigate the indoor air quality and energy consumption. The results of this IAQ-Audit project show that the largest indoor pollution sources in office buildings are construction materials furnishings and indoor activities, immediately followed by the HV AC systems themselves. Thus, priority must be given to source control.

User satisfaction with innovative cooling retrofits in Sacramento public housing.

How do tenants of public housing respond to retrofits to improve their comfort and energy use during the cooling season? In contrast to retrofits to improve heating or lighting, cooling retrofits have been little studied, despite extensive programs by utilities and housing authorities to reduce this end use. A local utility and a housing authority have been retrofitting their buildings with evaporative coolers, ground-source heatpumps and other cooling measures.
