Investigation of black soot staining in houses.

Describes a study designed to investigate sooting problems in houses where occupants reported regular burning of candles. Samples of stained carpets, filters and other materials as well as swab samples of black dust or soot were taken from five homes. Other potential pollutant sources were also identified by air quality audits conducted on each home. In addition, the study included a search of industry information to uncover best practices for cost-effective clean up and control of soot or staining problems.

Energy star takes on home performance.

Describes how home performance contractors in New York are able to partner up to benefit from the US Energy Star program. Homeowners can elect to have a comprehensive package of building performance work done on their home by a certified contractor through this new state initiative. Many homes suffer from unnecessary health, safety and comfort problems due to improperly installed mechanical systems, inadequate insulation levels, and uncontrolled air infiltration.

Household greenhouse gas emissions.


Experience with occupant control of supplementary cooling in a naturally ventilated environment: some preliminary results from work in progress.

Thirty five occupants of twenty five naturally ventilated rooms can operate supplementary cooling and heating equipment and windows independently to control their local thermal conditions and ventilation in accordance with their personal comfort requirements. Preliminary studies suggest that the use of the supplementary cooling equipment is closely related to outdoor thermal conditions with limited recourse to it in mild weather and resultant substantial energy saving in comparison with consumption that might be expected in a conventionally air conditioned environment.

Personal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in eight European cities.

Exposures to respirable suspended particles (RSP) and both the particulate and vapour phases of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) were monitored in eight European cities. Over 1500 housewives and office workers participated in the studies by wearing personal monitors over a 24-h period to assess exposures in the home and workplace. Based upon median 24-h time weighted average (TWA) concentrations, the most highly exposed subjects throughout Europe were office workers living and working with smokers.
