Ventilation as mean to prevent environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in restaurants and bars

An evaluation of different ventilation principles and their application in various premises like bars and restaurants has been conducted. Measurements of nicotine concentrations revealed a strong dependency on ventilation solutions. In restaurants and bars where the ventilation systems are properly designed it is possible to fulfill requirements issued by the Norwegian authorities.

Installation of a ultraviolet irradiation system, type C, plant and its influence on indoor air quality

We have investigated the effect of UVC on IAQ in a ventilation plant in a typical office building. The UVC-system consisted of UVC-lights for irradiation on all central components in the air handling unit. A similar ventilation plant, but without UVC, was chosen as a reference plant. Microorganisms on surfaces, living airborne mould spores and MVOC (Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds) were sampled throughout the ventilation plant and in corresponding rooms before and after UVC-irradiation. In addition, parallel measurements in the reference plant were conducted.

Measurement of the air quality in hospitals Messung der Luftqualität im Krankenhaus

This article shows results of air quality measurements (airborne moulds, microbes and particles) operated in summer and winter in an hospital in Japan.

Heat pumps in compact ventilation appliances for solar passive houses - Part 2 Kompressionswärmepumpen inLüftungs-Kompaktgeräten für Solar-Passivhäuser - Teil 2

Compact ventilation appliances appeared on the market for solar passive houses. They include a heat pump to transfer heat from ventilation exhaust air to fresh air and/or domestic hot water. This article is the second part of a serie of two. It continues to describe a model for simulating the operation and performance of such appliances which was developped to be used in the TRNSYS software environment. It compares the results of calculations with those of laboratory measurements.

The effect of external conditions on indoor air quality in new buildings

The development of indoor air quality was studied in three newly finished buildings in Helsinki, Finland during the years 2000-2002. The concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOC), formaldehyde and ammonia, for which the Finnish Classification of Indoor Climate 2000 gives target values, in indoor air as well as the air exchange rate, relative humidity and temperature were determined for the newly finished buildings and 6- 12 months after the buildings had been taken in use.

Modeling ventilation and radon in new Dutch dwellings

The model estimations aimed at identifying the most important parameters that determine air change rate along with predicting the indoor radon concentration to be expected in new Dutch dwellings under different ventilation conditions.Measurements were compared to the model estimations. To increase infiltration and thus to decrease radon concentation, opening the air inlets and inside doors proved to be efficient.

The effect of cleanliness control during installation work on the amount of accumulated dust in ducts of new HVAC installations

A contaminated supply air system may have an adverse effect on indoor air quality. The aim of that study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different protective actions in achieving a clean supply air duct system on the one hand and to find out the location in the ductwork where most of the duct is accumulated. Measurements were made and presented in tables.
It appears that dust accumulation can be partly avoided by ducts protection during the whole of the construction transportation and storage phases and that no ducts with residual oil on the inner surface should be used.

Investigating IAQ on a budget

In this article the author gives some guidelines and techniques to conduct IAQ investigations at low cost for school staff with small budgets : first he advises occupant interviews, followed by a physical survey of the premices. An IAQ toolkit at low cost can be prepared for a first level type of investigation.
Then a monitor data analysis can be made with the measurements of temperature, relative humidity and CO2.
Finally an hypothesis can be developed even with little background and small budget.
But particular problems may require an experienced consultant.
