Physical processes in ice rinks studied with small-scale modelling.

The study reported in this paper is concentrated on the estimation of the heat transfer from air to ice due to convection. Together with measurements of temperature and moisture profiles, air movements have been visualised in a small-scale model of a planned indoor ice rink. Some field tests concerning moisture content and temperature also have been realized in two different ice rinks. The study indicates that a low emissivity layer in the ceiling decreases the risk for ceiling condensation, decreases the heat radiation on the ice and decreases the driving force for air mixing.

Interaction of radiation absorbed by moisture in air with other forms of heat transfer in an enclosure.

The impact of the radiation absorbed by room air moisture 011 heat transfer and air temperature distribution was investigated. Both analytical and CFO approaches were used. For large spaces such as atria, industrial workshops, hotel lobbies, and aircraft hangers, the neglect of radiation absorbed by the moisture within the air volume can lead to significant errors.

Building Simulation '97. Volume 2.

Two dimensional air exfiltration and heat transfer through fiberglass insulation. I. Numerical model and experimental facility.

A numerical model, employing a local-averaging formulation was developed for heat transfer and water vapor deposition within fiberglass insulation under air exfiltration and frosting conditions. Frost growth on the cold surface was modeled using special frost growth boundary conditions. Non-isotropic permeability effects that occur in fiberglass boards were included in the mode/for porous medium flow because tests showed that the permeability for flow parallel to the plane of the boards was 69% higher than perpendicular to the insulation boards.
