Presents and explains derivation of simplified heat transfer equation as part of an averaging method to enable perceptive home owner to determine air infiltration. A winter month isselected and the gas meter read daily. Explains how with these minimum data and summary data from us weather bureau average infiltration for the month, plus other useful data such as relative magnitude of conduction vs. infiltration losses can be determined. Demonstrates technique by worked example for a demonstration house.
Describes field measurements of thermal transmittance using portable guarded hotbox equipment on 2 types of concrete walls. Air leakage measurements of these same 2 types of concrete systems were made in the laboratory. Describes test methods. Illustrates measurement equipment and effects of infiltration diagrammatically. Concludes that it is not known how typical either wall system was, and further research is underway to evaluate other types of concrete building systems for air infiltration effects on thermal transmittance.
Treats 4 mechanisms of building heat exchange with the environment and their effect on overall energy consumption: 1) air infiltration and exfiltration, pressure distributions and gradients and resulting mass transfer at building surfaces; 2) influence on surface heat transmission of turbulent mixing of air close to building surface and mechanisms causing this mixing; 3) how air circulation around buildings strongly affects air conditioning cooling towers and how incorrect location of ventilation inlets and exhausts can reduce thermal efficiencies of cooling equipment and increase fan power