Airtightness and thermal insulation: building design solutions Lufttathet och varmeisolering byggnadstekniska losninger

Gives comprehensive and detailed instructions for the design and construction of airtight buildings. Discusses the problems involved in building an airtight house. Gives details of materials and methods for sealing joints, installing a vapour barrier and adding thermal insulation. Notes the difficulties in making penetrations for services, such as for electricity, water, space heating and ventilation, airtight. Describes three projects - at Taby, Umea and Akersberga - where test houses were constructed and gives details of their construction.

Energy efficient housing: a prairie approach.

This is a practical handbook for constructing an energy efficient house. Describes energy conservation measures for the reduction of space heating in an average house on the Prairies. Describes conservation measures for a new house which include the improvement of air tightness, insulation, passive solar gainand insulation of window systems. Also describes refitting an older house, reducing energy used to heat water and reducing electricity consumption. Gives a short list of sources of information.

Wall/roof junctions and soffits.

Air leakage through the junction between wall and roof of a building can cause damage from excess dampness. Discusses in detail the problem of constructing atight wall/roof junction for different forms of roof construction. describes installation of roof membrane and vapour barrier.< Also describes problem of air infiltration through uninsulated soffits. Outlines various solutions.

How to build a superinsulated house.- Cold weather edition.

Gives instructions for constructing a super-insulated house. Describes installing insulation, vapour barriers, shutters and an air-to-air heat exchangers. Outlines ways in which heat islost from a house and the problems of conventional structures.
