Describes a sampling programme which measured simultaneously the indoor and outdoor concentrations of pollutants at three sites in Zurich during summer and winter. Gives brief summary of results showing concentrations of CO, NO, NO2 and HCHO and discusses sources of the different pollutants.
Reports measurements of suspended particulate matter, carbon monoxide and droplet nuclei in a climate chamber of 50m3 as indicators of the particulate and gaseous phase of cigarette smoke. Various combinations of smoking intensities andventilation rates between 1 and 16 air changes per hour were investigated partly by a standardized smoking machine procedure and by individual smoking by a panel of four persons.
Reports measurements of air pollutants inside and outside three pairs of structures for different seasons of the year. Four pollutants were measured, suspended particulate, soiling particulate, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. Describes instrumentation and gives results. Concludes that in homes withgas heating and cooking, the heating system has no effect on CO levels but gas stoves had a significant effect.
Reports an indoor/outdoor sampling program for NO, NO2 and CO in four private houses which had gas stoves. Pollutant gases were measured essentially simultaneously at three indoor locations and one outdoor location. Shows that indoor levels of NO and NO2are directly related to stove use. In some instances levels of NO2 and CO in the kitchen exceeded the air quality standards for these pollutants if data for the sampling periods were typicalof an entire year.
Reviews hazards from excess carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in poorly ventilated spaces. Discusses ventilation rates needed to keep concentrations below safe levels. Reviews toxicity studies of portable fuel-fired appliances and gives simple guidelines for the use of such equipment.
Reviews methods of measuring infiltration rates. Describes tests made on a mobile home using carbon monoxide as a tracer gas and measuring the rate of decay. Concludes that infiltration rates depend primarily on whether or not the blowers for air conditioning or heating are turned on. Without blower the infiltration rate was of the order of 0.8 changes per hour, with the blowers it was 1.2 to 1.7. Reported linear dependence of infiltration rate on temperature difference but did not identifya dependable trend on the effects of wind.
Describes a method for determining the rate of air change in a ventilated space using carbon monoxide as a tracer gas. Concentration of carbon monoxide was found by an infra-red analyser which proved to be very precise and sensitive and made it possible to carry out analyses in a short time. Air change rates were measured in a laboratory with open windows and with closed windows. Concludes that air change rates are greater with few large openings than with many small ones.
Treats measurements of air infiltration rate in 2 mobile homes - one treated with caulking, the other with continuous sheathing board - over entire heating and cooling season. Concentrates on summertime data. Summarises results in graphs and tables. Analyses results to find general parabolic dependence on wind and linear dependence on temperature difference. In addition data exhibit marked reduction of infiltration attributed to use of continous sheathing board.
Discusses use of tracer gases for the measurement of natural ventilation rates States advantages of using radio isotopes are increased speed and sensitivity. Gives expressions for calculating air change rates using radio isotopes from thedecrease in signal. Suggests use of krypton 85 or Xenon 133 as tracers. Discusses errors in the method. Reports study of air quality in a naturally ventilated building in Yakutsk. Air change rates, temperatures and concentrations of carbon monoxide were measured in kitchens with gas stoves.