Builder's guide to energy efficiency in new housing.

This report is a guide to give the canadian builder practical information in the area of energy conservation in new housing. Offers useful suggestions for planning, designing and building a more energy efficient home. Sections covered include energy use in dwellings, air tightness, ventilation andmoisture control, options for improving the building shell, space heating and cooling systems, and cost considerations. Takes the 1979 Ontario Building Code as the basis upon which to develop and evaluate improvements.

Energy savings in buildings-a headache which goes beyond the ability of tradesmen. Energibesparing i byggnaden-huvudvark over skraganserna

In terms of energy usage and indoor climate a building works as a total system where the shell, the installations and services interact organically. However, technical knowledge of this total system is still undeveloped and the limitations of different trade categories hinders such development. Examples show how the efficiency of building methods such as tightening external walls depend on the ventilation system used in the building.

Reducing the requirements for ventilation heat through natural ventilation of buildings by use of air permeable porous outside walls. Verringerung des Luftungswarmebedarfs bei naturlicher Luftung von Gebauden durch Verwendung luftdurchlassigkeit poroser A

Calculations show that natural ventilation exploiting wind and specific gravity differences may reduce the need for ventilation heat. This is not done as usual by ventilation through open doors and windows but through fine porous air-permeable outside walls. The optimum thickness of the heat insulation layer is defined, giving maximum saving of total heating and ventilation energy.

Natural ventilation in the modern hospital.

Assesses the role of natural ventilation in modern hospitals. Considers optimum standards of air change rates for winter and summer conditions and reviews factors within the hospital context that are likely to affect the achievement of natural ventilation. Notes an air change rate of 1.5/hr. is usually assumed for heat loss calculation. Finds cross ventilation is unlikely to be achieved and designs should be based on single sided ventilation. Reports tracer gas measurements of natural ventilation in Southland Hospital, Shoreham by Sea.

B.S.I. Code of Practice for design of buildings : ventilation principles and designing for natural ventilation.

Presents code of practice which supersedes CP3:chapter 1(c):1950. Deals with ventilation of buildings for human occupation. Outlines main reasons for provision of ventilation and gives recommended quantitative air flowrates. Shows that these form the basis for air supply recommendations for different types of buildings, and rooms characterised by usage. Gives basis for choice between natural and mechanical ventilation. Provides guidance on design of natural ventilation systems. chapter headings are: General, General principles of ventilation, natural ventilation, appendices.

Airtightness and thermal insulation: building design solutions Lufttathet och varmeisolering byggnadstekniska losninger

Gives comprehensive and detailed instructions for the design and construction of airtight buildings. Discusses the problems involved in building an airtight house. Gives details of materials and methods for sealing joints, installing a vapour barrier and adding thermal insulation. Notes the difficulties in making penetrations for services, such as for electricity, water, space heating and ventilation, airtight. Describes three projects - at Taby, Umea and Akersberga - where test houses were constructed and gives details of their construction.

Energy efficient housing: a prairie approach.

This is a practical handbook for constructing an energy efficient house. Describes energy conservation measures for the reduction of space heating in an average house on the Prairies. Describes conservation measures for a new house which include the improvement of air tightness, insulation, passive solar gainand insulation of window systems. Also describes refitting an older house, reducing energy used to heat water and reducing electricity consumption. Gives a short list of sources of information.

Design principles

Outlines forces causing air leakage through openings in a building. Discusses likely leakage paths and states importance of identifying these and improving the air tightness of walls, windows, floors and roofs.

Metal stud walls.

Describes exterior walls of metal studs and gypsum board, used as infill walls in frame construction of industrial, commercial and high-rise residential buildings. Discusses problems of high thermal conductivity of such walls, and the application of a vapour barrier to reduce air leakage.
