International Building Simulation Conference, Nice, France, 1991.

Contains 85 abstracts.

Volume content

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In recent years, there has been much discussion about the need for improvement in the quality of building design software. One area of design software improvement which has received much attention is that of information integration.
Paul F. Monaghan, Jim Flynn, Martin Commins
The Customer Systems Division at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is developing materials to enhance the adoption of advanced electric technologies. Among in these materials are a number of software programs.
Karl F. Johnson, Ronald D. Wendland, Ingrid Rohmund
The Energy Simulation Research Unit of the University of Strathclyde has recently undertaken a major effort to support the application of building performance assessment tools within architectural and engineering practices, universities and resear
Jon W. Hand
This paper describes a computer simulation program being developed at the Hong Kong Polytechnic for dynamic modelling of heat and moisture transport in buildings.
F. W. H. Yik
The development of an interface, which links two building simulation tools to a test version of a product model is discussed.
Godfried Augenbroe, Pauline Wilschut, Wouter Rombouts
SIMULAR AIR is a computer code for calculating the three dimensional transient indoor air flow using a k,e-turbulence model.
R. Mohr, J. Fuerst
This paper describes two simulation software packages which permit building designers to understand how buildings will perform: the ESP building energy simulation system and the ARIA Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) air distribution simulation s
Ara Setrakian, Don Mclean
The technique of field modelling is applied to predict the indoor air movement and convective heat transfer induced by thermal sources in big enclosures.
W. K. Chow, W.K. Wond, K.T. Chan
The study is focussed on the sensibility of optimal start/stop control of hydronic heating systems on boiler and radiator sizing, supply temperature lift, and the building occupancy pattern.
R. Kohonen, A. Laitinen, M. Madjidi
The developments in the computer-aided building design will enable designers to improve the energy performance in buildings, through a more appropriate design which will be better structured, will learn from previously accumulated knowledge (e.g.,
Paul Fazio, Dan Seth, Radu Zmeureanu
We describe the need for a joint effort between design researchers and simulation tool developers in formulating procedures and standards for integrating simulation into the building design process.
Godfried Augenbroe, Frederick Winkelmann
SETIS is aiming at building a computer support for building thermal design. It deals both with the envelop of building and with its HVAC system.
C. Robin, J. Brau, P. Depecker
The aim of our paper is to present a multi-discipline CAD system named CONCEPTOR which allows the user to work during the various stages of the building engineering design.
G. Achard, J. Dufau, M. Mommessin
The ever widening range of skills necessary for architectural design requires a specialisation of each player working together toward the same goal within a number of distributed tasks.
Luc Adolphe, Ljubica Mudri
The simulation complexity of the thermal behaviour of buildings can be reduced by splitting it up as a hierarchical system of linked components.
R. Ebert, B. Peuportier, G. Lefebvre
Well insulated walls of residences experience temperature depression in their outer layers during cold weather, causing moisture to condense on the surfaces.
Graig A. Spolek
A new bioclimatic building concept based on solardriven ventilation is analysed through the use of physical and numerical modelling.
G.S. Barozzi, M.S. Imbabi, E. Nobile
The Energy Kernel System (EKS) project has reached the final year of its three year duration. The modus operandi has been designed, a class taxonomy devised and the software implementation process commenced.
P. Charlesworth, G. Hammond, A. Irving
In this paper, we want to show an application of fuzzy control to building thermal regulation.
Pierre Yves Glorennec
General continuous simulation of today is a handicraft mastered by a small group of experts. Systematic modelling techniques and supporting tools are beginning to emerge, promising access to advanced simulation also for less experienced users.
Per Sahlin, Axel Bring
