In order to simplify the procedure for evaluating winter building energy performances, most of existing standard and rules make reference to the building energy balance under steady state conditions.
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference - Crete, Greece - 27-29 September 2007
The 28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference, Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, was held in Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007.
Contains 247 papers
Volume content
Building envelope and heat capacity: re-discovering the thermal mass for winter energy saving | 2007 | English
Use of genetic algorithms for the optimum selection of the fenestration openings in buildings | 2007 | English
The objective of this work is to find the optimum window-to-wall area ratio that minimizes the energy cost for cooling, heating and daylighting.
To restate traditional sustainable solution, Iranian tradiditional natural ventilation | 2007 | English
Traditional architecture while energy consumption has not been defined as today, have utilized some passive design methods by attending to the potentials of the regionand made them highlight.
LowEHotels - low energy hotels in Southern Europe an EU-funded demonstrationproject | 2007 | English
The European Union is facing a critical situation regardingenergy supply and dependency on imported fuels in the coming years.
The impact of moisture on the thermal conductivity value of stone wool based insulating materials | 2007 | English
One of the significant threats for buildings is the possibility of changes in the building materials’ properties because of the penetration and residence of moisture it them.
Monitoring and modelling the energy efficiency of municipal public buildings-case study in Catalonia | 2007 | English
Energy-efficiency benchmarking can be used to monitorchanges in overall efficiency of buildings.
Low depth geothermal energy can be efficiently used as a heat sink for building energy produced during summer.In the current work, several geometries of geothermalheat exchangers implemented in office building climatisationprojects are evaluated f
Solar assisted heat pump in dual mode: direct and indirect space. Heating by the air collectors. Simulation results and evaluation with measurement results | 2007 | English
The heating system of the bioclimatic building of CRES comprises the entire heating plant including a solar assistedheat pump, the Solar Air Collectors (SAC) as well as the heat distribution system (comprising a fan coil unit network).
For many reasons building simulation programs are still not recognized as useful design support tools to the same extent as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) or cost-estimating software.
Earth heat exchange (EHX) through buried horizontal air ducts (EHXair-hor) can be an effective passive/ibryde system to reduce heating and cooling loads in temperate climate zones.
A two-storey wood frame house for the experimental study of hybrid residential ventilation was built in the campus of the Brno University of Technology in 2003.
DIN V 18599: The German holistic energy performance calculation method for the implementation of the EPBD | 2007 | English
When an energy balance is calculated in accordance with DIN V 18599, an integrative approach is taken, i.e.
This paper looked into the possibilities of adaptive reusethrough the environmental retrofit of an existing warehouse.
TRNDB: A Web Database and Web Site for Storage and Process of Building EnergyAnalysis Data | 2007 | English
In this paper, the design and development of a web databasefor the purpose of storing and processing data produced by a complete building energy analysis is presented.
CO2 emission and energy saving potential through correct pipe insulation in cold applications | 2007 | English
In November 2006 a “CO2 emission and energy saving potential through correct pipe insulation of space heating and domestic hot water distribution systems in the new and existing buildings.” paper [3], sponsored by Armacell - worldwide producer of
In this study we identify and describe the design strategiesadapted to the climate and used in ancient constructions.The research is focused on the information obtained from cases found in voras architecture.
The objective of this work is to demonstrate through a case study of a Shopping Centre in Portugal how daylighting and Passive Solar Strategies can be efficient in this kind of buildings, always characterized by large transparent areas and, in con
In the last decades researches have indicated an extremelyhigh energy consumption of the building sector. Analysing the amount of consumed energy, it is showed that almost the 70% are expended for the heating and cooling loads of the building.
The impact of colored glazing and spectral response of photosensors in the estimationof daylighting energy savings | 2007 | English
Daylighting control systems have quite high potential to reduce building’s energy consumption and peak demand. Despite this potential, reported poor performance, didn’t allow substantial increase in their installation rates.
The scope of the current paper is to present two buildingprojects that have been designed within 2006 by Gavalas Architects & Associates.