Balanced ventilation systems with heat recovery and earth to air heat exchangers are interestingtechniques, which can reduce heating and cooling demand of buildings, and improve internal thermal comfort.
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference - Lyon, France - 20-22 November 2006
The 27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference, Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings, was held in Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006.
Contains 153 papers
Volume content
Numerical Evaluation of Earth to Air Heat Exchangers and Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems | 2006 | English
The optimization of building thermal performance has traditionally been based on designers’ experience.
The average air tightness of the ventilation ductwork in France is rather poor, corresponding toa 3A class. This is mainly due to air leakage in the fittings.
Application of scale models along with the use of wind tunnel testing facility have been the primary tool used in building aerodynamic studies by architects and planners.
Why HVAC Certification for Balancing and Commissioning Contractors is Necessary for VentilationMeasurement, Verification, Validation and Decreased Energy Consumption | 2006 | English
This presentation will make the audience aware of the importance of ISO-recognized certificationprograms in the testing adjusting and balancing and commissioning of HVAC systems.
This article presents the application of the zonal approach for modeling airflow and temperaturedistribution in Doube-Skin Facades (DSF).
The paper evaluates the potential work performance benefits of increased ventilation. We analysed the literature relating work performance with ventilation rate and employed statistical analyses.
In Cuba the climate is tropical, with average solar radiation of 5.5 kW-h/m2and an annual average temperature of 25 °C. The relative humidity is high all of the time, with an annual average between 75 % and 85%.
The paper presents the evaluation of the current HVAC components and indoor climate of a high tech Naval Depot in case of failure events.
Ventilation Performances of Mixing, Displacement, and Impinging Jet System under Different HVAC Scenarios : Part I | 2006 | English
In most conditioned spaces, the Mixing Jet Ventilation (MJV) systems are commonly installed. Relying on turbulent mixing, MJV homogeneously controls the room environment.
Indoor Air Pollution with Fungus inside Well Insulated Houses - Biological Aspects - | 2006 | English
Since the energy-crisis of the 70’ies, the trend goes to energy-saving constructions, that have strongly changed our way of building.
Indoor Environmental Criteria for Design and Calculation of Energy Performance of Buildings -EN15251 - | 2006 | English
European Directive for Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) was approved in the beginning of2003. The transition period is 3-6 years depending of the article.
The GENHEPI Concept: a New Methodology for Low Energy Consumption Building RenovationDemonstration Program | 2006 | English
French buildings highly contribute to the total national energy consumption.
Consequences of Increasing Insulation on the Annual Energy Consumption of Air-Conditioned Office Buildings | 2006 | English
The aim of this work is to study the influence of global heat transfer coefficient (Utot en W/m2.K) of the opaque walls (walls and roofs) and of the glazed walls (bays) on the annual consumption of heating, cooling and overall consumption energy.
Influence of Air Leakage in Building’s Walls on Heat Transmission Loss through its Envelope | 2006 | English
The energy consumption of a building is evaluated by neglecting the heat loss which can occur when the air passes through the envelope.
CFD Modeling of Heat Convection in a Large Cross-section Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger | 2006 | English
An Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger (ETAHE) is a low energy cooling and heating technology for buildings.
In this study the COwZ model (COMIS with sub-zones) was modified to allow dynamic simulations ofindoor thermal conditions, humidity and pollutant transport and concentrations throughout wholebuildings.
The thermal exchanges between the buildings and its surroundings may be easily evaluated from balance equations.
A TRNSYS Component to Calculate Natural Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Multizone Buildings | 2006 | English
The prediction of air infiltration is very important when simulating a building, due to the couplingaspects of the thermal and ventilation problem.
The actions to limit the energy consumption and the electricity demand lead in Europe and inFrance to think about the energy labelling of the consumption of the fans used in ventilationsystems.