Being the largest energy consumer, building sector represents a major stake for the actualenvironmental concerns.
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference - Lyon, France - 20-22 November 2006
The 27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference, Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings, was held in Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006.
Contains 153 papers
Volume content
Application of Different Dynamic Analysis Approaches to Estimate the U and G Values of Building Components | 2006 | English
Dynamic analysis is very useful to obtain thermal properties of building components.
Energy-Environmental Efficiency in the Integrated Design of a School Building in Imola, Italy | 2006 | English
The Municipality of Imola is strongly committed to environmental friendly and energy consciouspolicies both at urban planning level and public building design.
Responsive Building Elements (RBE), as defined in International Energy Agency - Annex 44,are building construction components which are actively used for transfer and storage ofheat, light, water and air.
Exergy Analysis as an Assessment Tool of Heat Recovery of Dwelling Ventilation Systems | 2006 | English
In cold and moderate climates, improvements in building shell insulation and air-tightness imply a shiftin heating loads from transmission and infiltration towards ventilation.
In this paper, a model for predicting whole building heat and moisture transfer was presented. Both heat and moisture transfer in the building envelope and indoor air were simultaneously considered; their interactions were modeled.
The state of the Implementation of the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) in Austria | 2006 | English
The process of implementation of the EPBD in Austria is now carried out for several years.
Study on Performance Evaluation of Mechanical Ventilation Systems for Occupied Houses | 2006 | English
In the first phase of the current project, the ventilation rates of occupied houses in the northern region of Japan were investigated from 2001 to 2005.
Detailed mathematical models of VAV equipment and subsystems have been developed and used tocompose larger DCV systems with a large degree of detail.
Sustainable architecture design for tropical climates requires the use of natural ventilation besideseveral strategies, as appropriated materials, site location, faade orientation, solar shading, etc.
Sustainable Energy Management Based on the European Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD) | 2006 | English
The EPBD prescribes an energy performance certificate for buildings.
This study aims at investigating the actual conditions of indoor environment in schools in order toobtain fundamental information for proper ventilation design of buildings.
The absolute necessity of air renewal to maintain indoor air quality and thermal comfort in buildingsfaces the major issue of energy consumption reduction and optimisation in building sector.
Natural ventilation driven by the combined forces of wind and buoyancy has been studiedexperimentally for a building flanked by others forming urban canyons.
Important oversizing factors are observed for room air-conditioners leading to important energy wastes and costly summer peak demands for utilities.
Results of Monitoring a Naturally Ventilated and Passively Cooled Office Building in Frankfurt A.M., Germany | 2006 | English
In this article the concept of a new energy-efficient office building and results of a 3-year monitoringare described.
Analytic models and static approaches as the case of Fanger, Deval, Sherman, Gagge, and Stolwijkmodels cannot completely predict indoor thermal comfort.
Ventilation is essential for health and comfort of building occupants. It is particularly required to diluteand/or remove pollutants emitted by occupants metabolism.
Numerical Evaluation of Earth to Air Heat Exchangers and Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems | 2006 | English
Balanced ventilation systems with heat recovery and earth to air heat exchangers are interestingtechniques, which can reduce heating and cooling demand of buildings, and improve internal thermal comfort.
The optimization of building thermal performance has traditionally been based on designers’ experience.