The objective of the paper is to present a new educational concept for improving the accessibility towhole building Heat, Air & Moisture (HAM) simulation models developed in the simulation environmentHAMLab.
27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference - Lyon, France - 20-22 November 2006
The 27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference, Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings, was held in Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006.
Contains 153 papers
Volume content
State of the Art of Double Skin Facades in Europe The results of WP1 of the BESTFAÇADE Project | 2006 | English
The project BESTFAÇADE accumulated the state of the art of double skin façades in seven European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal and Sweden).
Lighting is a substantial energy consumer, and a major component of the service costs in manybuildings. Lighting renovation was done on the Department of Electrical and CommunicationsEngineering at the Helsinki University of Technology.
An important part of IEA 34/43 is concerning validation of building simulation models.
An Interactive Vocational Training Tool for the Energy Performance Buildings Directive | 2006 | English
The building sector constitutes approximately the 40% of the total energy consumption in EU. TheDirective 2002/91/EC provides a precise legislative framework for improving the energy performanceof the built environment.
The IEA, section ECBCS (Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community systems), has launched the project Annex 45 ‘Energy Efficient Electric Lighting for Buildings’, of which subtask B deals with innovative technical solutions.
This paper describes ongoing energy benchmarking studies of double-skin façade buildings. Benchmarking methodology is discussed. Some preliminary results are presented.
Highly efficient thermal insulation of the building envelope demands for layers up to 40 cm thickness.This often causes problems regarding architecture and loss of space, especially in building renovation.An attractive alternative is the recently
Denmark has long experience with mandatory labelling of existing buildings.
Even if the quality and durability of active solar systems equipments are henceforth ensured, there arestill some considerable barriers to the development of their market, in particular their architectural andtechnical integration to the buildings
Building Blueprint: Endorsement Schemes for Building Energy Efficiency Improvements in the EU25 | 2006 | English
Although there is significant support among policy makers and politicians for energy efficiencyimprovements in buildings, there remains a lack of understanding of what policies (regulatory,economic, communicative and organisational) can deliver th
The use of artificial lighting in the office buildings has significant contribution on total energyconsumption of the building.
This paper outlines the applicability of the “exergy” concept to describe the built environment for a better futuristic view of heating and cooling systems to be developed.
Active solar heating was a favorite topic after the first energy crisis. Usage for space heating, however,proved to be completely uneconomic. Domestic hot water systems, instead, retained attention.
Natural Convection in Rectangular Enclosure Due to Flux Density of Heat Prescribed to its Water-Saturated Vertical Porous Wall | 2006 | English
Unsteady natural convection in a rectangular enclosure with a vertical saturated porous wall is studiednumerically.
In 1997 several countries ratified the Kyoto protocol and so engage themselves to take into accountthe global warming, promote the sustainable development and act in order to reduce emission ofgreenhouse gases.
Assessment of the Potential of Cool Materials to Contribute to the Mitigation of the Heat Island Effect in Athens | 2006 | English
The mitigation of the heat island effect can be achieved by the use of cool materials that arecharacterized by high solar reflectance and infrared emittance values.
This work is aimed at assessing the economical feasibility of a retrofit intervention consisting into the façade renovation of an office building, built in the 70s and located in Italy near Torino.
The indoor climate plays a key-role in relation to sustainable building. Often measured or simulatedtime series are used for the evaluation of indoor climate performances.
1. Thoughts 1. Why care? 2. Sustainable Architecture or just Architecture, are they something different? 3. On past and future – learning from tradition. 4. On the overwhelming power of design. 5. On starchitecture. 6.