The 27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference, Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings, was held in Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006.

Contains 153 papers 

Volume content

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This project aimed at developing a methodology to help the Local Authorities and the town managersto carry out suitable policies in order to save energy and promote the use of renewable energies.
Duquesne, M.
Heat and mass transfers in building materials influence the thermal properties and performances ofthe materials more especially as they are porous.
Samri, D.; Arnaud, L.
Detailed mathematical models of VAV equipment and subsystems have been developed and used tocompose larger DCV systems with a large degree of detail.
Sørensen B.R.
Sustainable architecture design for tropical climates requires the use of natural ventilation besideseveral strategies, as appropriated materials, site location, faade orientation, solar shading, etc.
Bastos L.E.G., Barroso-Krause C., Beck L.
The EPBD prescribes an energy performance certificate for buildings.
Schmidt F., Kopetzky R.
This study aims at investigating the actual conditions of indoor environment in schools in order toobtain fundamental information for proper ventilation design of buildings.
Yoshino H., Mihara K., Takizawa N., Kurabuchi T., Muramatsu S., Kumagai K., Noguchi M., Yanagisawa Y.
The absolute necessity of air renewal to maintain indoor air quality and thermal comfort in buildingsfaces the major issue of energy consumption reduction and optimisation in building sector.
Cordier N., Michel P.
Natural ventilation driven by the combined forces of wind and buoyancy has been studiedexperimentally for a building flanked by others forming urban canyons.
Syrios K., Hunt G.R.
Important oversizing factors are observed for room air-conditioners leading to important energy wastes and costly summer peak demands for utilities.
Bory D., Dupont M., Rivière P.
In this article the concept of a new energy-efficient office building and results of a 3-year monitoringare described.
Kleber M., Wagner A.
Analytic models and static approaches as the case of Fanger, Deval, Sherman, Gagge, and Stolwijkmodels cannot completely predict indoor thermal comfort.
Harijaona Z., Moujalled B., Cantin R., Guarracino G.
Ventilation is essential for health and comfort of building occupants. It is particularly required to diluteand/or remove pollutants emitted by occupants metabolism.
Richieri F., Michel P., El Mankibi M.
A method for controlling the temperature of the occupancy zone in a room equipped with a fan coil ispresented. The heterogeneity of the air velocity field and the temperature distribution is considered.
Sempey A., Allery C., Inard C.
This work lies within the concept of positive energy buildings.
Faure X., Joussellin F., Pierson P., Quenard D.
The use of variable speed pump allows to save energy. Therefore, the impact of these technologieson the heating system and thermal comfort in buildings is rarely highlighted.
Couillaud N.,Riederer P., Diab Y.
The use of electricity in buildings constitutes around 16% of Singapore’s energy demand. To incorporate energy efficiency measures is one of the key mission to ensure that the economy is sustainable.
Lee S.E., Priyadarsini R.
Portugal has technical recommendations and standards regarding ventilation rates in naturalventilation systems.
Pinto M. , de Freitas V.P.,Stymne H., Boman C.A.
Although unanimously acknowledged by the experts for its performances as regards energyeffectiveness and indoor air quality optimisation, humidity sensitive ventilation still too often suffersfrom a lack of knowledge inherent in its singularities.
Savin J.L., Jardinier M.
Although the concept of ventilation has been around for several thousand years, the application of ventilation to overcome low productivity in warm to hot climates has been neglected over the last few decades.
Harmsworth B.
The cooling loads of an office building vary with the desired indoor thermal climate.
Heikkilä K., Lindholm T.
