The 27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference, Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings, was held in Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006.

Contains 153 papers 

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The common EPIC – AIVC Conference was organized in Lyon France between 22 to 24 of November 2006. A very high number of excellent papers were presented and the conference was regarded as being of high scientific quality. 
A conference report from the 27th AIVC and 4th Epic Conference  "Technologies & sustainable policies for a radical decrease of the energy consumption in buildings", held in Lyon, France, 20-22 November 2006. .
Martin Liddament
High energy savings can be expected from building energy and climate concepts which combinethe heat pump technology with a low temperature energy distributions such as concrete corewater pipe circuits within building zones.
Madjidi, M.; Dippel, Th.
This paper describes an educational tool developed at LASH ENTPE (France) laboratory.
El Mankibi, M.; Michel, P.; Cantin, R.
The EIE 2003 SAVE ENPER EXIST project ( aims to address the specificproblems of the existing buildings in the scope of the introduction of the Energy Performance ofBuildings Directive (E
Loncour, X.; Wouters, P.
In 2005, the Executive Committee of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems (ECBCS) program approved the start of a new four-year research project on building commissioning.
Castro, N.; Friedman, H.; Frank, M.
We have conducted a campaign of testing efficient lighting installations during 6months in the area of Lyon, France. 26 work places were tested, each of them with aspecific lighting scheme.
Fontoynont, M.; Escaffre, L.; Avouac-Bastie, P.
It is often claimed that energy is consumed; this is not only done in everyday conversation but also inscientific discussions associated with energy and environmental issues.
Schmidt, D.
The project BESTFAÇADE accumulated the state of the art of double skin façades in seven European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Portugal and Sweden).
Streicher, W.; Heimrath, R.; Hengsberger, H.; Mach, T.; Waldner, R.; Flamant, G.; Loncour, X.; Guarracino, G.; Erhorn, H.; Erhorn-Kluttig, H.; Santamouris, M.; Farou, I.; Duarte, R.; Blomsterberg, A.; Sjöberg, L.; Blomquist, C.
This paper analyzes the indoor hygrothermal loads measured in 27 detached houses and in 13apartments. A survey was conducted during the years 2003-2006 in Estonia.
Kalamees, T.
This paper presents an analysis of the transient thermal performance of dynamic insulation.
Qiu, K.; Haghighat, F.
This paper describes ongoing energy benchmarking studies of double-skin façade buildings. Benchmarking methodology is discussed. Some preliminary results are presented.
Duarte, R.; de Matos, M.
In this paper, we discuss the characteristics, of diatomite, a moisture-absorbent material used for anew air-conditioning system. Diatomite powder is formed into grains (diameter: 8 mm) with a slantrotatingprocessing machine.
Enai, M.; Ohashi, M.; Hayama, H.
This paper summarises the work of the LowEx co-operation /1/. The aim was to promote rational use ofenergy by encouraging the use of low temperature heating systems and high temperature cooling systems ofbuildings.
Virtanen, M.J.; Ala-Juusela, M.
The objective of the paper is to present a new educational concept for improving the accessibility towhole building Heat, Air & Moisture (HAM) simulation models developed in the simulation environmentHAMLab.
Van Schijndel, A.W.M.J.
Important properties of the indoor air quality are temperature and humidity. Very often in new and oldbuildings the temperature is too high or varies too strongly.
Dreyer, J.
Lighting is a substantial energy consumer, and a major component of the service costs in manybuildings. Lighting renovation was done on the Department of Electrical and CommunicationsEngineering at the Helsinki University of Technology.
Bhusal, P.; Tetri, E.; Halonen, L.
The building sector constitutes approximately the 40% of the total energy consumption in EU. TheDirective 2002/91/EC provides a precise legislative framework for improving the energy performanceof the built environment.
Katsamaki, A.; Kolokotsa, D.; Saridakis, G.; Geros, V.; Santamouris, M.; Bozonnet, E.; Allard, F.; Seppanen, O.; Zografakis, N.; Stefanou, C.; Prenner, M.; Bluemel, E.; Bassi, R.; Kaloyanov, N.; Radulov, L.
Although there is significant support among policy makers and politicians for energy efficiencyimprovements in buildings, there remains a lack of understanding of what policies (regulatory,economic, communicative and organisational) can deliver th
Klinckenberg, F.
An important part of IEA 34/43 is concerning validation of building simulation models.
Adam, Ch.; André, Ph.
