The 23rd AIVC and Epic 2002 Conference (in conjunction with 3rd European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings), Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities", was held in Lyon, France, 23-26 October 2002.

Contains 149 papers 

Volume content

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A condensing device allows to avoid condensation on cooling ceilings in rooms with humid air. It uses thermoelectric modules in contact with the cooling panels.
Courret G., Egolf P.W., Sari O.
This paper describes current work to undertake a market assessment of the potential for the application of Passive Downdraft Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) to new and existing buildings in Southern Europe.
Ford B., Cairns K.
The indoor environmental quality of a building is intended as the thermal, visual, acoustic and indoor air quality performances as a whole, which provide health and comfort for occupants.
Aghemo C., Astolfi A., Pezzana S.
In the present communication, a psychometric model has been presented to evaluate the performance of rotary desiccant wheels based on different kind of desiccants e.g. silica gel and LiCl.
Beccali M., Butera F., Guanella R., Adhikari R.S.
The purpose of the work is the determination of unsteady variation of the moisture content in the walls. The mathematical model is based on humidity transport equations in porous media.
Vartires A., Lebrun J., Colda I.
The quality of indoor environment in dwellings is provided by physical properties of building constructions and by operation of HVAC-systems.
Petrás D.
Detailed simulation studies on the design and development of PV/T systems are being carried out at the Politecnico di Milano, for their possible integration with a sloped roof.
Aste N., Beccali M., Chiesa G.
The applicability of natural ventilation depends strongly on climate. The potential of natural ventilation represents a measure of the feasibility of natural ventilation in a specific climate.
Ghiaus C., Allard F.
The main goal of the present study was to determine thermal comfort parameters for dwellers of low-cost houses for a given set of indoor environmental conditions.
Krüger E., Espíndola R.
More than three quarters of all consumed energy in buildings are used for heating, ventilation and sanitary hot water preparation.
Medved S.,l Arkar C., Domjan S., Cerne B.
The fine filter (EU7) was included in the ventilation system which operated at full capacity only during working days.
Kokotti H., Halonen R., Kujanpää L., Keskikuru T., Lehtimäki M., Taipale A., Reiman M.
The Portuguese National Museum for Archaeology is undergoing an expansion and retrofitting. It is currently housed in one of the most important ancient monuments in Portugal: the Monastery of Jernimos.
Maldonado E.,Quinta P. and Jesus M.
The White Paper on renewable Energy states that the total energy requirements in thedomestic sector could be reduced by 50% in EU until the year 2010, half of which could be accounts for by introducing passive and active solar technologies in buil
Doukas P. , Santamouris M.
Within an Italian Experimental Programme an interdisciplinary research for the retrofitting of some residential buildings in the surrounding of Florence has been carried out.
Raffellini G, Carletti C, Sciurpi F.
This paper outlines the Europrosper project whose objectives are to :1.
Cohen R., Bordass W., Field J., Francis A.
Approximately 300 low energy houses have been built in the Republic of Ireland by the multi-national CRH Plc and South Dublin County Council as part of a co-ordinated European Commission-supported demonstration project, RE-Start (Renewable Energie
Lewis J O, Goulding J R
Constructional aspects and the use of school building had led to moisture and mold damages confirmed by microbiological analysis from material, surface and air samples. Cultivation methods were used to assess mesophilic fungi and actinobacteria.
Reiman M., Kujanpää L., Kujanpää R.
The transformation of the Conservatorio San Giuseppe , into the Cospicua Residential Home for the Elderly has become a landmark in the neighbourhood.
Frendo J.
This paper presents an approach to evaluate the sensitivity of a roof design to condensation problems, given the uncertainty to achieve continuity of airtightness in practice.
Janssens A.
Reconstruction of late 19 th century building for new Slovene Ethnographic Museum is presented.
Krainer A.
