Together with the definition of innovative plant and envelope technological solutions for buildings, many simulation tools (models) have been developed to make the design choices easier.
23rd AIVC and EPIC 2002 Conference - Lyon, France- 23-26 October 2002
The 23rd AIVC and Epic 2002 Conference (in conjunction with 3rd European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings), Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities", was held in Lyon, France, 23-26 October 2002.
Contains 149 papers
Volume content
DayMedia and MulCom are multimedia teaching packages targeted at architects and building engineers, as well as students.
A common architectural feature of curtain wall facades is constituted by a transparent double-glazing unit mounted in front of a recessed interior metal panel.
HipHip - Fostering market penetration of PV systems integrated in buildings in Europe | 2002 | English
The general objective of the Hip-Hip project, partly funded by the EC, is to foster market penetration of GC-PV systems integrated in buildings in Europe by removing technical and non technical barriers as well as developing new PV products for th
External shadings and glazing materials as passive systems to improve energy consumption and indoor comfort in office buildings | 2002 | English
External shading systems, window systems and light control systems try to reach the indoor comfort and energy saving by approaches, that are different in complexity, costs and results; besides a good coordination among them could produce better pe
Classification of the IDMP data of Kyoto into Kittler-Perez model of sky luminance distribution | 2002 | English
The purpose of this paper is to validate Kittler-Perez model of classification of sky luminance distribution about the IDMP data in Kyoto Japan.
During the design process of heating systems, the designer must analyse various factors in order to determine the best design options.
Radiative cooling systems by means of nocturnal longwave radiation have captured the attention of today’s specialists involved in the construction building process.
The energy consumption of consumer electronics is steadily increasing. In the 1992-1996 period its energy consumption has increased by roughly 50%.
Hydronic radiator heating with thermostatic valves: Improves thermal comfort or upgrades efficiency? | 2002 | English
Energy performance standardisation evaluates all measures at the building and building services level that improve energy efficiency. Thermostatic valves are one of the choices, which are considered.
SERRAGLAZE is a breakthrough daylighting system designed to be incorporated into the primary glazing of normal sidelit rooms to save energy and enhance comfort.The paper describes the design, construction and optical properties of the plastic SERR
Passive cooling techniques for buildings. Potential of use within venezuela's climatic zones | 2002 | English
The current paper presents the first outcome of a study dealing with thermal quality of buildings in a context of rationalized energy spending.
Information in the UK Climate Change Programme suggests that carbon savings in the domestic sector from end-use efficiency improvements could amount to some 4.7MtC/yr in 2010, based on allowances for improvements to the building regulations, resid
Experimental Assessment of the Effects of Spacer Bar Design on the Condensation Resistance of Insulating Glass Units | 2002 | English
Experimental and analytical assessment of three types of spacer bars used in making insulated glass (IG) units were performed and reported earlier, Elmahdy et al (1993).
The Universal Fibre Optics project which is part funded by the EC 'ENERGIE' programme involves design and construction of a luminaire which allows the integration of daylight and artificial light.
A review of the solar water heating equations in the BRE Domestic Energy Model was carried out using data from a recent monitoring project. The savings predicted by the model did not match the test data well, so improved equations were devised.
Preliminary experiments with a novel glazing system developed at the Desert Architecture and Urban Planning Unit of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev indicated that it may provide improved visual and thermal performance in buildings with large gl
We are developing a model that is able to predict the most adapted venetian blinds position (slat angle) for a VDU office worker, considering visual comfort matters.
The paper describes the comfort analysis based on simulation tools, microclimaticmeasurements and people response to interview.The results confirm a discrepancy between quantitative evaluation and sensatioin vote, butlowe then one reported by othe
Daylighting information throughout Europe using the SATEL-LIGHT and SODA internet servers | 2002 | English
The Satel-Light Internet server provides to designers and engineers daylight information which was previously unavailable.