In line maintenance hangars, air planes stay about 2 hours, usually at night-time.
16th AIVC Conference - Palm Springs, USA - 18-22 September 1995
The 16th AIVC Conference - Implementing the results of ventilation research, was held in Palm Springs, USA, 18-22 September 1995.
Contains 51 papers.
Volume content
The installation of packaged heat recovery ventilation (HRV) systems has recently become common practise in new homes in Canada.
This paper presents the results of a series of measurements made in an occupied family house. Long and short-term measurements of the concentration of radon gas in the cellar and other living areas of the house were carried out.
This paper describes the new indoor environment research facility recently constructed at the Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada.
Airtightness and infiltration rate measurements in office and other commercial buildings have shown that these buildings can experience significant levels of air leakage [1,2]. The energy impact of air leakage in U.S.
The work concentrated on estimating the effects of building leakages and terrain parameters on the air infiltration.
So as to better understand and predict IAQ problems, the velocity field and distribution of local mean age of air were determined experimentally with three-dimensional anemometry and decaymode tracer gas measurements inside a classroom.
A high resolution particle-imaging velocimetry has been developed and applied to study full-scale room air flows.
The use of tracer gas methods for detailed airborne moisture transport study in buildings. | 1995 | English
Three different examples illustrate the possibilities offered by the use of tracer gas methods for detailed airborne moisture transport studies in building.
The material presented in this paper highlights some aspects of""two research projects, The control of natural ventilation , and Night cooling strategies . The research has led to the development of generic control strategies.
The IEA Annex 27, "Evaluation and Demonstration of Domestic Ventilation Systems" is aiming at developing tools by using the most developed computer models and equations available including modul development.
Effectiveness of a heat recovery ventilator, an outdoor air intake damper and an electrostatic particulate filter at controlling indoor air quality in residential buildings. | 1995 | English
A preliminary study of the potential for using central forced-air heating and cooling system modifications to control indoor air quality (IAQ) in residential buildings was performed.
The use of IR detectors to steer the ventilation is in principle an attractive approach for optimising the ventilation according to the occupants needs.
Thirty-one independent fan pressurization measurement series were performed on seven apartments in three family housing buildings at Fort Riley, Kansas, using four protocols.
Especially in modern buildings with small capacity of humidity storage it is necessary to reduce the humidity in the supply air. Normally a refrigeration system containing CFC s is used.
To achieve acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ), ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 recommends the use of the alternative IAQ procedure.
Particulate deposition on indoor surfaces - its role with ventilation in indoor air quality prediction. | 1995 | English
There is an increasing concern at the possible health effects of fine suspended particulate (aerosol) upon human health, particularly in the urban environment.
A new ventilation strategy for humidity control in dwellings - a demonstration project. | 1995 | English
A demand controlled ventilation system with humidity as the control parameter was tested in an experimental demonstration project in 16 apartments.
Predicting indoor airflow by combining network approach, CFD and thermal insulation. | 1995 | English
This paper describes a method which aims to generate an overall view of multizone building air flow by integrating methods for bulk air flow analysis, air flow field analysis, and building thermal analysis.
Improvement of a mechanical ventilation system regarding the utilization of outdoor air. | 1995 | English
Nowadays it is rather common with demand controlled ventilation in public buildings and offices. The purpose of demand controlled ventilation is to adapt the ventilation to the varying needs of the occupations.