The 14th AIVC Conference - Energy Impact of Ventilation and Air Infiltration, was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-23 September 1993.

Contains 63 papers.

Volume content

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The paper will describe the development of the storm safety value, experience of its use and suggestions for use in other connections.
Egedorf M
The growing diffision of small power, gas-fired individual units for space heating and service hot water production, as well as concern about operational safety issues, has promoted greater attention to the understanding of ventilation mechanisms
Borchiellini R, Cali M, Girard M, Masoero M
In order to speed up the development of health, energy-efficient buildings, the City of Stockholm has formulated a programme for the building of apartment houses.
Fyrhake L, Hedkvist P-A, Hult M
For thermal comfort and energy conservation reasons, displacement ventilation and radiative cooling systems are increasingly used.
Koschenz M
Within the framework of demonstration and industrial pilot projects in the energy sector supported by the Commission of the European Economic Communities, an important experiment has been dedicated to the HYGRO-ADJUSTABLE NATURAL VENTILATION (Cont
Dalcieux P
Cooling ceilings are more and more proposed, in order to eliminate excess heat in office buildings without consuming much energy in air transport. On the other hand, piston ventilation is proposed to efficiently eliminate contaminants.
Roulet C-A, Cretton P, Kofoed P
This paper shows the extensive influence of humidity on comfort, cooling load and refrigeration capacity. Modern computer programs allow an effective consideration of humidity in systems.
Steimle F
In conjunction with IEA Annex 18, DCV-systems, a test on an auditorium in a school in Tyreso south of Stockholm has been carried out.
Svennberg B A, Mansson L-G
A new ventilation and cooling system called OKOMAIR has been developed and investigated. The main idea is to separate carrying off cooling loads and providing fresh air to the occupants without mixing it with the return air.
Barath B
The importance of natural ventilation, typically restricted to residential buildings application, is rapidly increasing also within the commercial buildings.
Beccali G, Cannistraro G, Giaconia C, Rizzo G
A combined thermal and ventilation model has been used to investigate the seasonal variation of air infiltration rates and ventilation heat losses in modern industrial buildings.
Jones P J, Powell G, Alexander D K
The air distribution in a room is investigated using computational fluid dynamics. Four common methods of supplying air to a room are compared.
Awbi H B
Computational fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerfizl tool for analysing problems of air movement and has been increasingly widely used in applications in buildings.
Shao L, Walker R R, Woolliscroft M
A test room which was built at a scale 1:5 to the original one has been used to investigate air-conditioned rooms. The original room was specified by the international project IEA ANNEX 20.
Vogel P, Richter E, Rosler M
Total energy exchangers with a rotating heat storing matrix have been applied to air conditioning systems for more than 25 years with very good results for saving both heating and cooling energy.
Dehli F, Kuma T, Shirahama N
The number of smokers differs mainly with age, sex, education, profession, and cultural background.
Mansson L-G, Svennberg S A
The role of ventilation in the housing stack is to provide fresh air and to dilute internally-generated pollutants in order to assure adequate indoor air quality.
Sherman M, Matson N
This paper presents the results of monitoring the ventilation in Netley Infants School in Hampshire.
Palmer J, Shaw P, Trollope M
Designing a comfortable inside climate for office buildings to operate within comfort limits (PMV+/-0.5) requires a flexible operating strategy. Two systems a VAV and a VHV are identified and compared to each other.
Simmonds P
A new miniature mechanical ventilation system with both supply and extract air and an air-to-air heat exchanger has been developed in Great Britain and Denmark.
Egedorf M
