An even distribution of room air can improve indoor air quality, lower energy costs, and create thermally comfortable environments. This paper investigates the influence of the design of plaque diffusers on the efficiency of supply air.
14th AIVC Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark - 21-23 September 1993
The 14th AIVC Conference - Energy Impact of Ventilation and Air Infiltration, was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-23 September 1993.
Contains 63 papers.
Volume content
The PLEIADE Dwelling: an IEA Task XIII Low Energy Dwelling with Emphasis on IAQ and Thermal Comfort. | 1993 | English
The major objective of the IEA task XIII project is to design and construct low energy dwellings which should be technically and economically realistic in the period 2000-2010.
High quality is a prerequisite for industry to sell its products.
The continual reduction of the transmission heat losses of residential buildings causes an increasing importance of the ventilation heat losses. Energy saving can be achieved by using a mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery.