The 11th AIVC Conference - Ventilation system performance, was held in Belgirate, Italy, 18-21 September 1990.

Contains 46 papers. 

Volume content

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An investigation has been carried out using computational fluid dynamics methods to study the performance of an air curtain at the door of a heated building.
Lam J K W, Ruddick K G, Whittle G E
The use of computers for data acquisition and analysis in air exchange measurements with tracer gases has become state of the art for the researcher.
Rabenstein R, Heidt F D
A new turbinemeter is developed to be used as a ventilating rate sensor in livestock buildings.
Berckmans D, Vandenbroeck Ph, Goedseels V
An appropriate way to identify the most efficient ventilation systems and improve their design is to use design codes for ventilation rates.
Riberon J, Bienfait D, Barnaud G, Villain J
In an experimental facility, we studied the performance of a task ventilation system designed for use in office buildings.
Fisk W J, Faulkner D, Bauman F S, Arens E A
The predominant route for air movements between the floors of two-storey dwellings is via the stairwell.
Edwards R, Irwin C
Ventilation efficiency may be defined as the capability of a given ventilation system to achieve the best balance between indoor air quality and energy conservation requirements:
Bienfait D
