The 10th AIVC Conference - Progress and trends in air infiltration and ventilation research, was held in Espoo, Finland, 25-28 September 1989.

Contains 52 papers.

Volume content

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Displacement flow systems are becoming popular, especially in Scandinavia, for comfort ventilation.
Davidson L, Olsson E
This paper describes an experimental study of the buoyancy-driven flow and the associated energy transfer within a closed, halfscale stairwell model.
Zohrabian A S, Mokhtarzadeh-Dehghan M R, Reynolds A J
Building codes that address radon control in residential buildings are a relatively new development in the larger trend toward increased efforts to understand and control indoor air quality.
Nuess M, Price S
Rising moisture from the ground has caused quite a lot of damage on foundations of Swedish buildings. It is in some constructions possible to prevent this by mechanical ventilation below the floor or below the concrete slab.
Hagentoft C E, Harderup L E
This paper describes the development of a microprocessor-controlled tracer gas system which is capable of collecting a large number of tracer gas samples at short or long intervals.
Riffat S B
France is one of the European countries where ventilation has the most advanced regulation.
Jardinier M
Canadian research into residential ventilation and combustion venting revealed that the installed performance of exhaust equipment, ducting passages, and site-built chimneys was largely unknown.
Fugler D
The paper compares air infiltration rate measurements with air leakage measurements in a modem industrial building.
Jones P J, Powell G
A demand controlled air ductwork should be so dimensioned that the flow controllers have good flow and acoustical operation conditions.
Laine J
What does the designer of a future energy-efficient building ask of the air flow specialist? - Static predictions of air flow patterns and optimization of thermal comfort and indoor air quality at design conditions will not be enough for him.
Moser A
Annex 14 -Condensation and Energy- started in April 1987, with a take of meeting in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The annex itself was born after a moisture-workshop in September 1985 at the Laboratory of Building Physics, KULeuven, Belgium.
Hens H
Tracer gas techniques have become widely used to measure the ventilation rates in buildings.
Sherman M
The IEA Annex 18 Demand Controlled Ventilating Systems-(DCV-Systems) with 9 participants are just in the middle of the work.
Mansson L G
