Tracer gas techniques have become widely used to measure the ventilation rates in buildings. The basic principle involved is that of conservation of mass (of tracer gas) as expressed in the continuity equation; by monitoring the injection and concentration of the tracer, one can infer the exchange of air. Although there is only one continuity equation, there are many different experimental injection strategies and analytical approaches. These different techniques may result in different estimates of infiltration due to uncertainties and biases of the procedures. This report will summarize the techniques and the relevant error analyses. As more detailed information is required for both energy and indoor air quality purposes, researchers are turning to complex, multizone tracer strategies. Both single gas and multiple gas techniques are being utilized, but only multigas are capable of uniquely determining the entire matrix of air flows. This report will also review the current effort in multizone infiltration measurement techniques.
Air Infiltration Measurement Techniques.

Bibliographic info:
10th AIVC Conference "Progress and trends in air infiltration and ventilation research" Espoo, Finland, 25-28 September 1989