
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper describes a research project undertaken at the Building Research Station to measure wind pressures at rhe GPO Tower, London. and dynamic strains in the tower shaft.
Eaton K J, Mayne J R
Wind pressure measurements made over a 4 years period on a 34-storey building in downtown Montreal were used to obtain data for checking and improving wind tunnel techniques of modelling flow characteristics of wind and aerodynamic behaviour of bu
Dalgliesh, W.A.
This paper outlines the living conditions that can occur in the proximity of buildings and the significance of the wind velocities that can be established, for example for shopping centres when these include high-rise buildings or for patio school
Bossers P A
States that high-rise buildings can cause problems to occupants particularly since wind velocity and pressure fluctuations will be more pronounced than at ground level.
Feis N.
Reports theoretical and experimental calculations of heat balance of 5 houses. Discusses the extent of air leakage and various factors contributing to heat losses, particularly effects of wind and winter temperatures. Normal air leakage is 0.
Elmroth A. Hoglund I.
Outlines the development of current ideas of effective ventilation from early 19th century when official (U.S.) requirements were unduly high due to misconceptions in health requirements. Examines current requirement.
Klauss A.K. Tull R.H. Roots L.M. Pfafflin J.R.
Reports a theoretical study of natural ventilation made jointly by HVRA (UK) and Institute for Public Health Engineering TNO (Netherlands).
Jackman P.J.
Points out mistakes in text book formulae for determining the flow rate of fresh air. Provides a new approximate formula for this.
Maurer A.F.
Notes heat flow through double windows due to temperature difference and air infiltration have usually been calculated separately.
Bursey T. Green G.H.
Discusses the factors affecting air change rates in multi-storey buildings and derives expressions for the air infiltration through walls, windows and doors; air flow through gravity ventilation ducts; pressure pattern on the outside walls of the
Karulak J.
Describes typical town centre developments in which a problem of wind environment has arisen, and gives a brief account of the investigation of specific cases. Summarises broad conclusions of 20 special cases.
Wise A.F.E.
States direct observations of wind effects on real buildings are necessary for the development of reliable information for wind load estimation. Their essential role is to provide data for the guidance of systematic wind-tunnel investigations.
Dalgliesh W.A.
After a general introduction on the cause of wind, the dependence of wind speed increase with height on surface roughness and atmospheric stability is discussed.
Rijkoort P.J.
Describes a pressure transducer which was specially developed to measure wind pressures exerted in buildings. The instrument, which gives an electrical output, is suitable for measuring pressure in the range of 1200 n/m2.
Mayne J.R.
The building industry has always had considerable difficulty with joints in outer walls, at windows, doors and between building units. Damage caused by damp has meant considerable economic losses.
Lundin R.
Considers the rise in air pressure inside a closed building with openings on the windward side, caused by gusts of wind and the increased pressure on the building envelope, especially on the roof.
Euteneuer G-A.
Presents results of measurements of fluctuating wind pressures on prisms of square and rectangular section mounted on the rooftop of a 4-storied building. Describes models and experimental methods.
Tachikawa M.
