Klaus Vogel
Bibliographic info:
11th International BUILDAIR Symposium, 24- 25 May 2019, Hannover, Germany

Purpose of the work

In October 2016, a research project was completed on the "Evaluation of faults in airtight layers recommended action for construction practitioners." Written by the Fachverband Luftdichtheit im Bauwesen e. V. (Association for Airtightness in the Building Industry), the Aachener Institut für Bauschadensforschung und angewandte Bauphysik gGmbH (Aachen Institute for Research into Building Damage and Applied Building Physics), and the Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik (Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics), and citing other experts as well, the research report presents very different points of view regarding air leaks. Among other things, it establishes a technical and legal link with regard to the preventability of leaks.

The presentation outlined below is related to the presentation by Ulf Köpcke and considers the architectural issue of the level of technical requirements that can be described for the preventability of leaks.

Method of approach

A survey of building contractors, experts in the field, students, and measurement service providers; a sample evaluation of sources containing information on the level for implementing an air barrier.

Content of the contribution

The presentation introduces the results of a survey on the preventability of 10 specially selected, primary leaks. It also lists examples of what level is documented when implementing an air barrier. For example, it discusses product datasheets, processing guidelines, and standards.


The presentation concludes with a recommendation for the definition of technically preventable leaks.


For more information, please contact the reference author at: idt-vogel@t-online.de