Kokko J, Carpenter S.
Bibliographic info:
Canada, National Research Council, 1994, proceedings of "Innovative Housing '93", Vancouver, June 21-25 1993, Vol 3, pp 71-80

In 1989 the "Advanced House" was constructed in Brampton, Ontario as an example of leading-edge energy-efficient and environmentally responsible housing . It is part of Canada's contribution to the International Energy Agency Task XIII Advanced Solar/Low Energy Residential Buildings, which examines innovative methods of reducing residential energy consumption.
The energy performance of the house was predicted using the detailed computer simulation program, ENERPASS. A monitoring system was installed to assess the actual energy performance of the house and its innovative energy-conserving technologies. This paper compares the predicted and monitored performance results of the Advanced House from June 1990 to October 1992. Energy usage figures are quoted only for the period when the house was occupied (July 1991 to October 1993). Readers are referred to the full report or previously published papers for a more complete description of the house, monitoring system and the results [Enermodal, 1992; White and Carpenter, 1990; Carpenter, Kokko and White, 1991).